Jan. 26, 2023 Live from the road

Double Six Beach - Sunari Loka School (and back)

Reported by Kanyaka Arini, Susan Marshall 10.0 km

A wonderful video of the event.

The runners contemplate the distance ahead

The most direct route to the school takes us along the shore.

Which takes us through crowds of people from all over who have come to appreciated Bali's beauty.

Gesiane from Brazil, Sadanand from Ireland take the lead, with Padyatra filming

Sunari Loka sends a small envoy to bring the Peace Run inside.

Children meet us with marigold gumitir

They place the garlands around the runners' necks

The Vice Principal of Sunari Loka - bapak Made Yudana holding the torch.

Children from Sunari Loka pass the torch.

The school has created an exhibition of artwork for peace.

They give us refreshment before the ceremony

The coconut's helped the runners recover from the journey, and the many years of accumulated Peace Run's.

Harita and Pragati from the USA

Two children from the school perform the role of MC, Ida Ayu Made Asri Kuwerawati translates for Mohammed Isyqi Aroyyan who speaks in Bahaasa.

We are welcomed with a traditional Bali dance

Daughter of the Vice Principal - Ni Kd Dian Sasmita Widyasari.

The Principal of Sunari Loka, bapak I Wayan Darsa, welcomes the Peace Runners.

They demonstrate painting

We exchange gifts with the school - we offer them a painting by the founder of the Peace Run - Sri Chinmoy, as well as three copies of the book "The Jewels of Happiness," also by Sri Chinmoy.

They offer us a trophy inscribed with the school's motto: "Think Good, Do Good and Be Good."

Ros Malati recites a poem on Peace by Sri Chinmoy.

Putu Novita Riyani sings Taksu song - famous Balinese melody.

These children have hearts full of peace, and they are offerring it to the world.

Singing the Peace Run song.

The school now has as part of their library three copies of a book by Sri Chinmoy - "The Jewels of Happiness," translated into Bahaasa Indonesian.

Sravana from .... where? The children try to guess what countries the runners are from.

The Peace Run team peforms small skits: Valdo from Czech is running, is it peace or NO PEACE? He cheats in the race. What does everybody think?

Sadanand from Ireland also mimes running a race - lurking outside of the photograph is the highly unpeaceful Homagni from Australia, who will soon pull him to the ground. Hopefully the children from Sunari Loka will teach them a little about how to be peaceful.

This is the school's maths teacher: Ni Wayan Sunariyanti.

Girls scouts team perform More Code.

We learn traditional Indonesian games. This one is Ular naga panjang (Big dragon with long tail) You have to catch people from the other team.

This is a Balinese game - cat catching the mouse.

Another game - hiding and finding the stone.

Hridayinee from NZ plays games with the children.

We run around the school three times.

We were thrilled to be welcomed by the newly formed marching band, Gita Bandana Sunari Loka, who also joined us for the parade. We celebrated Peace in so many ways- through art, music, dance and games!

The Vice Principal performs a special tari topeng, or mask dance.

Yulia from Russia.

All our gratitude to all the teachers and students from Sunari Loka school for an unforgettable experience of happiness, peace and inspiration!

Torch carried by
Abhijatri Robinson (South Africa), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Balarka Robinson (South Africa), Eka Asrini (Indonesia), Garga Chamberlain (Great Britain), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Papaha Gosline (United States), Pragati Pascale (United States), Putu Ekawati (Indonesia), Sadanand Magee (Ireland), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Suchitra Sugar (Hungary).  
Apaguha Vesely
The torch has travelled 10.0 km from Double Six Beach to Sunari Loka School (and back).

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