Mei 17, 2023 Live from the road

Glasgow Cathedral - Edinburgh

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 42.0 mi

Our day begins at Glasgow Cathedral.

Roy Trivedy (second left) has joined us.

Pedro from the Bahamas is also joining the team for the day.

Running through Glasgow.

We arrive at Saint Anne's Primary School.

Students read their Peace Pledges.

A picnic lunch in Bathgate.

Arriving at Saughton Park in Edinburgh.

Adarsha, our Glasgow coordinator, stands with his niece, Julia, and her partner, Pedro.

Torch carried by
Adarsha Kelly (Great Britain), Bhauliya Moss (Great Britain), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu (Mongolia), Kristin Aurenhammer (Austria), Michael Aurenhammer (Austria), Petra Kasperová (Czech Republic), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Sadanand Colm Magee (Ireland), Sandra Aurenhammer (Austria), Tarit Stott (Great Britain), Uugantsetseg Otgonbayar (Mongolia).  
Devashishu Torpy, Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu, Sadanand Colm Magee
The torch has travelled 42.0 mi from Glasgow Cathedral to Edinburgh.

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