Natabara ran into Lovísa Óladóttir last night, the former executive manager of Bio Paradis (Cinema Paradiso) in Reykjavik where "Challenging Impossibility" was screened in the 2011 Reykjavik International Film Festival. Lovísa arranged for the theater to host the very first traveling exhibit of Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting equipment, which was featured in the documentary which Natabara co-directed. The weightlifting exhibit has gone on to the UK, Bulgaria, Italy, Czech Republic, and now Serbia. It was great serendipity to run into Lovísa, who is a shining star in Iceland!
Natabara rakst á Lovísu Óladóttur í gærkvöldi, en hún var framkvæmdastjóri Bíó Paradís þegar kvikmyndin "Challenging Impossibility" var sýnd þar árið 2011 í tengslum við Kvikmyndahátíðina í Reykjavík. Lovísa skipulagði að kvikmyndahúsið hýsti sýningu á lyftingatækjum Sri Chinmoys, en þau voru í aðalhlutverki í heimildarmyndinni sem Natabara meðleikstýrði. Síðan þá hefur lyftingasýningin ferðast um Bretland, Búlgaríu, Ítalíu, Tékkland og Serbíu. Það var mikil gæfa að rekast á Lovísu svona óforvarindis!

Today was definitely one of the most dramatic and weather challenging days, as you can see. Very cold, rainy, foggy and windy madness...."ideal running weather"....on the windy roads of the Western Fjords. We did not meet as many people today in this remote part of Iceland, but saw lots of waiving hands from passing cars.

Natabara's wish to celebrate the 4th of July was fulfilled when two fellow Americans pulled up with an American flag proudly posted on their car. It was also the woman's birthday, so it was a nice coalescence.

We met these lovely Japanese turists from Austria who got to try our "feel the peace in the heart" exercise and....

The boy's team happened to notice this poster for the Viking Strength Challenge and were keen to take part, but unfortunately the team has to move on. Too bad, they could have been tough competition for the locals...

Today we entered the West Fjords-area on the north-west of Iceland. It is even less inhabited then the rest of Iceland, therefore we had no ceremony today. Just running up and down long, cold but beautiful fjords.

We deffinitely felt the cold wind blowing from the north since we are still close to the Arctic circle.