After the breakfast and the morning briefing we greeted the owner of our Bead and Breakfast, a beautiful "masseria". A masseria is a large farm complex to house not only the landowners, but also the peasants who tended the crops and farm animals.

Vaibhava our official photographer meditating before starting his part of the relay in a beautiful countryside road, with olive trees and a wall of stones in the background: two distinctive elements of Apulia landscape.

A Trullo, an round stone building type made with conical roof and without mortar. Trullo buildings are one of the most renown icons of Apulia.

Andrea is our powerful member of our team. Andrea is the two-time winner of the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Miles race, the longest race in the world.

Old and new friends of Peace Run share the Peace torch. Many many thanks again to the Association "I Colori per la Pace" and to the city of Crispiano for inviting me to be part of this rich and joyful peace program.
Always grateful to Assessore Aurora Bagnalasta and to Crispiano's Mayor for the amazing support for Peace Run.

From left: Dale the artist the holds the world guinenss record of the longest artwork (for peace), Mario Gallo from the associazione I Colori per la Pace di Sant'Anna di Stazzema and Andrea Marcato.

Sharing the torches...
Aldo Bianchi was one of the runner that carried the torch for Rome 1960 Olympic Games.
We were thrilled to hold the original Olympic torch what a surprise!

The Olympic torch across generations.
Aldo Bianchi in the 60' was running 100 meters in 11 sec., Andrea Marcato ran 3100 miles in 42 days, 17 hours, 38 minutes and 38 seconds.