Another day in beautiful Cape Town! We had an early start - getting up at about 3:30 am and packing up in Kommertjie to so that we could move closer to central Cape Town. As is usual with these things we ended up waiting for a while and made up a new Peace Run skit. What a spot to have to wait!

Our first appointment was the opening of the Cape Town Peace marathon expo with the torch. Here the torch is held by the Peace Run team and the key sponsors and Race Director Janet Wellam and Allan Barnes from Western Province Athletics.

We then went on to visit our old friends at Observatory Junior School - we really liked the motto on their sign!

We thanked Mr Williams, the Principal for allowing us to come to the school again and for the wonderful welcome.

A team of school students had been specially chosen to run with the Peace Runners. They joined us for a run to the area where the presentation was to held.

Penny is always the most liked peace runner and unfailing gets a clap after speaking to the students.

This is the noodles skit where Shree and Cliff eventually make friends and exchange lunches although Cliff is a bit surprised at how hot his curry is!

We were very happy to present this very beautiful painting to the principal of Walmer estate. This message of peace and friendship was prepared by students learning English at Kansai University in Japan. The artwork included a special message to the South African students and a photo of the three Japanese students who prepared it. The principal and students were all extremely touched that they had new friends in Japan.

A number of students came up and read out their poems for peace. Each had the opportunity to hold the torch and make a wish for peace.

Jono, Penny's cousin, also holds the torch. He had very kindly moved out of his flat for the weekend to accommodate the runners in Rondebosch on Friday and Saturday nights.

We took the opportunity that afternoon to see some of the amazing wildflowers that grace the western coast of the Cape at this time of year. We were lucky to just catch the end of the season.