5月 10, 2023 Live from the road


Reported by Rupasi Young 3.0 mi

Runners prepare for the first school of the day, North Beach Elementary School, a moment of peace.

And away we go! Principal Kristine McLane leads the way.

The hallways throughout North Beach are lined with artwork for peace. Some of this work will be shown in exhibits in Ottawa, Canada and Chicago, IL later in the year when Peace Run passes through.

Student ambassadors Blaire and Lorelei carry the Peace Torch in. We had two on hand so each one could carry.

The Peace Run video brings enthusiasm.

Peace Run was thrilled to bestow its highest honor upon a most deserving recipient, Ms. Izabela Gabrielson. Her love of art and peace are surpassed only by her selfless and continuing efforts to share that love with her students. Congratulations Izabela! Our lives are enriched by knowing you.

Izabela shares a few words with us.

And receives congratulations and thanks from her grateful students.

Thank you Principal McLane. Your warm heart and enthusiasm are so appreciated by all of us.

And thank you to all the teachers... who prepare for their own Peace Run around the students.

Our next stop is an impromptu Peace Run around Greenlake Park.

A perfect day for such a beautiful run.

We are joined by a few locals. Perhaps they will join us later in the year as we run through Canada.

We made a new friend today in Michelle who ran with us all around Greenlake. We were so happy to be joined by such a strong runner. She recently completed the Boston Marathon with an excellent time.

Marina enjoys a peaceful moment at the Sri Chinmoy Peace Grove dedicated along the path of Greenlake Park...before

we continue on...

Narayan shares a few thoughts, "if each person can just have a little bit of peace in their hearts, the world will be okay".

Goodbye Greenlake!

And on to lunch at Nature's Bounty. Thank you Brian!

Two old friends have a chance to catch up.

Next stop is John Hay Elementary School.

Thank you Nicole for having us! Your students are excellent! We love being here.

And thank you to all the teachers!

Khanh and Rupasi enjoy a moment of peace and silent thanks.

Before we move on to sharing the torch with the kids.

Our next stop is the Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club. We are so honored and fortunate to have Bill and Ruthie Burton with us today.

Bill received the Torch Bearer Award when Peace Run visited in 2014. This year, Peace Run dedicates a Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree in his honor.

But first, we have fun with the kids!

High five!

The fearless Cierra sharing in a moment of peace...

Ruthie joins in from the sidelines...

Chair dancing is the best for the World Harmony Run song!

We are also thrilled to bestow another Torch Bearer Award on an incredibly worthy recipient this year, Ms. Denise Lewis. She has been a pillar of strength here at Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club. We are proud to know you, Denise.

And thank you to Jamari for highlighting all of the many reasons Denise is such an excellent candidate for the Torch Bearer Award.

Rainier Vista now has three Torch Bearer recipients (Sigrid Batara in not in today). The standard of excellence is high here, so it is no surprise. Its youth are in very good hands with such strong role models. And thank you to Ms. Patrice for all you do!

The last item of this program and possibly the most signficant is the dedication of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree.

This Peace Tree is dedicated in the name of Bill Burton for his life of excellence and most especially for the safe haven he has been so instrumental in building with the Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club. Countless young lives have been given refuge here and a safe place to be.

This tree was chosen by the Positive Action team of young people here at Rainier Vista.

Bill is 'Father, Mentor, Papa, Godfather' to all who know Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club as their second home. Thank you Bill, and thank you Ruthie.

When asked to speak, Bill encouraged the youth to be whatever they want to be and to strive toward the best in themselves.

Thank you Ruthie. You are an inspiration and a true teammate to Bill.

Finally, the Peace Run team finishes the day by honoring Bill Burton Way, recently named just next to the Boys and Girls Club.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), meghna Brower (United States), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Pranlobha Kalajian (United States), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Rupasi Young (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Vidushi Candaux (United States).  
Alakananda Lebedev, Arpan DeAngelo, Natabara Rollosson
The torch has travelled 3.0 mi in Seattle.

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