Июнь 8, 2015 Live from the road

Lučenec - Tornaľa

Reported by Danica Cernakova, Josef Sverma 61.0 km

In the city of Lucenec in the morning we first ran into the high technical school ...

V Lučenci sme ráno pribehli na strednú priemyselnú školu Stavebnú...

...where except students also many kids were waiting for us...and almost all of them were good in some sports.

...kde na nás čakali okrem študentov aj deti z rôznych základných škôl...a skoro všetci boli dobrí športovci.

It is very nice and inspiring that this school is highly appreciating the kids who are doing any sports, and is trying to motivate the students to be more interested in sports.

Je to veľmi pekné a inšpirujúce, že táto škola si nesmierne cení ľudí, ktorí športujú a snaží sa motivovať študentov, aby viac športovali.

This is the mom of one great eight years old chess player, who could not come, so the mom came to receive the appreciation from the school for her daughter. We were told that the girl is winning one competition after another...so it seems that she is some future world champion.

Toto je mama jednej osemročnej šachistky, ktorá už teraz vyhráva jednu súťaž za druhou, zdá sa, že je to budúca svetová jednotka... Mamka prišla do školy prevziať ocenenie za dcéru, ktorá sa nemohla dostaviť.

We proudly presented our Certificate of Appreciation to the representative of the city of Lucenec together with the picture Jharna-kala, which means the fontain art that is made spontaniously according to the feeling and the author is also the founder of the Peace Run- Sri Chinmoy.

Pánovi zastupcovi mesta sme s hrdosťou odovzdali ďakovný list spolu s obrázkom Jharna-kala, čo znamená fontánové umenie, ktoré je robené spontánne podĺa pocitu a autorom je zakladateľ Mierového behu Sri Chinmoy.

The girls from local TV.

Dievčatá z miestnej televízie.

Afterwards the representative of the city took all of us to this beautiful park...

Pán zastupiteľ mesta nás potom zaviedol do krásneho parku...

...where we have planted the Peace Tree.

...aby sme spoločne zasadili Strom Mieru.

At the end a few runners swiftly accompanied us out of the city.

Zopár bežcov nás nakoniec s vetrom opreteky odprevadilo von z mesta.

Dear policemen, you have nice bikes...won´t you exchange them for the torch?

Páni policajti, máte pekne bicykle...nevymenite ich za pochodeň?

In the beginnig of the next village Ozdany a group of sportsmen and sportswomen from local elementary school were waiting for us together with their teacher.

Na začiatku ďalšej obce Ožďany na nás čakalo niekoľko športovcov z miestnej Základnej školy na čele s pánom učiteľom.

Look, what I have for you...water, water, water! So much water?

Pozrite, čo pre vás mám...vodu, vodu, vodu! Toľko vody?

And although it was very hot and sunny and not too much shadow, we had quite a big audience of kids full of enthusiasm, who were nicely cooperating with us.

A hoci bola poriadna horúčava a málo chládku, mali sme celkom početné publikum detí plných nadšenia, ktoré pekne s nami spolupracovali.

Looking for peace in the heart can be a serious matter...

Hľadanie mieru v srdci môže byť vec vážna...

...but also delightful!

...ale aj blažená.

And this is the result, when you find the peace and love in your heart.

A takýto je výsledok, keď človek ten mier a lásku v srdci nájde.

Expressing of the mutual gratitude and appreciation with the Mayor of the village Mr. Adrian Barto.

Prejav vzájomnej vďaky s pánom starostom obce Ing.Adrianom Bartom.

To say" Good Bye" is usually painful, but never on Peace Run...there it is always joyful and full of hope.

Lúčenie je zvyčajne ťažké, ale nie na Mierovom behu...tam je to samá radosť a nádej.

Balanced torch and disbalanced Padyatra.

Vybalancovaná pochodeň a disbalancovaný Padyatra.

These are our express trains.

Toto sú naše rýchliky.



On monday we came into the city of Rimavská Sobota (which means Saturday), where kids from elemntary school ran with us to their stadiium.

V pondelok sme dobehli do Rimavskej Soboty, kde s nami až na štadión pribehli deti zo základnej školy.

Our foreign runners performed a few sketches in slovak language...

Naši zahraniční bežci predviedli zopár scénok v slovenskom jazyku...

...and it seems that all the kids understood them.

...a zdá sa, že všetky deti im rozumeli.

Peace wish can have lots of forms...

Mierové želanie môže mať viac podôb....

Part of our programme is shouting our motto: ,,Peace begins in me" , so that also children and kangaroos in Australia could hear us.

Súčasťou programu je zakričanie motta: ,,Mier začína u mňa" , aby nás počuli aj deti u klokanov v Austrálii.

Pepino from Czech was curious how many town or villages or cities in Slovakia has in its name some day in the week. We have found out, that there exist: Pondelok (Monday), Dunajska Streda (Wednesday), Plavecky Stvrtok (Thursday) and Rimavska Sobota (Saturday).

Pepíno z Čiech bol zvedavý, koľko miest na Slovensku má v názve obce alebo mesta nejaký deň v týždni. Zistili sme, že existuje obec Pondelok, mesto Dunajská Streda, obec Plavecký Štvrtok a Rimavská Sobota.

On the last day of the polish member of our team it was really, really hot (32°C). Inspite of that she ran a lot of Km that day.

V posledný deň poľskej členky nášho tímu bolo naozaj veľmi horúco (32 °C ). Napriek tomu ubehla veľa kilometrov.

Accidently we stopped by the house of two teachers of physical education, who were so excited by the idea of our run, that they decided to run with us 1 km, but at the end they ended up with 8km.

Náhodne sme zastavili pri dome dvoch učiteľov telesnej výchovy, ktorí boli tak nadšení myšlienkou behu, že sa rozhodli že s nami pobehnú 1km, ale nakoniec z toho bolo 8km.

And running on the busy road they really enjoyed.

A beh na veľmi frekventovanej ulici si skutočne užili.

Im not running even 1 more kilometer.

Už nepobežím ani kilometer.

Children from elementary school in Batka with their teacher brought us to the football stadium where we introduced our team.

Deti zo základnej školy obce Batka nás doviedli až na štadión, kde sme im predstavili náš tím.

The Mayor of Batka Peter Hencz hold the peace torch in the name of whole village.

Starosta Bátky Peter Hencz prevzal symbolicky pochodeň mieru za celú obec.

Thank you for beautiful time spent on football stadium in Batka.

Ďakujeme za krásne strávené chvíle na futbalovom ihrisku v Batke.

Torch carried by
Adam Studenik (Slovakia), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atul Arora (India), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Daniel Ignovski (North Macedonia), Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Natalia Soldatova (Russia), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Peter Spak (Slovakia), Robert Jaros (Slovakia), Sadajyoti Belzová (Czech Republic).  
Apaguha Vesely, Daniel Ignovski, Josef Sverma, Sadajyoti Belzová
The torch has travelled 61.0 km from Lučenec to Tornaľa.

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