9월 17, 2024 Live from the road

Jēkabpils - Aknīste (robeža / border)

Reported by Emanuels Putans 47.0 km

Must get ready for the day...

Jāsagatavojas dienai...

...and let's go!

...un aiziet!

World championship finals in 100m dash!

Pasaules čempionāta fināls 100m sprintā!

Was this fair? Was this peace?

Vai tas bija godīgi? Vai te redzam mieru?

And what about this?

Un kā ar šo situāciju?

Jekabpils 2nd Secondary School receives the Certificate of Appreciation. Principal of the school, Ilona Salmina, on the right.

Apliecinājumu par piedalīšanos Miera skrējienā saņem Jēkabpils 2. vidusskola. Skolas direktore Ilona Salmiņa labajā pusē.

Victory lap in the track...

Goda aplis stadionā...

Arriving at Birzi.

Ieskrienam Biržos.

Peace Run is welcomed by the principal of Birzi Primary School, Aija Grisule.

Miera skrējienu sveic Biržu pamatskolas direktore Aija Grišule.

Farewell Birzi!

Palieciet sveiki, Birži!

Arriving at Akniste Secondary School track!

Ierodamies Aknīstes vidusskolas stadionā!

Akniste Secondary School receives the Certificate of Appreciation. Its' principal, Inga Iesalniece, stands on the left holding the Peace torch.

Apliecinājumu par piedalīšanos Miera skrējienā saņem Aknīstes vidusskola. Tās direktore, Inga Iesalniece, kreisajā pusē ar Miera lāpu.

On our way to the Peace Street of Akniste.

Ceļā uz Aknīstes Miera ielu!

Peace Street in Akniste is dedicated to peace as a part of "Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms" programme.

Aknīstes Miera iela tiek veltīta mieram programmas "Šri Činmoja Miera ziedi" ietvaros.

Peace Run team running along the Peace Street...

Miera skrējiena komanda skrien pa Miera ielu...

On our way to Latvia / Lithuania border.

Ceļā uz Latvijas/Lietuvas robežu.

All the way to the border our safety was being taken care of by the local police.

Visu ceļu līdz robežai par mūsu drošību rūpējās policija.

Our deepest gratitude to You, Latvia, for the warm, kind welcome!

Visdziļākā pateicība, Tev, Latvija, par silto, mīļo uzņemšanu!

Torch carried by
Austris Brucis (Latvia), Baiba Mennika (Latvia), Dhavala Stott (Great Britain), Edgars Ancans (Latvia), Emanuels Putans (Latvia), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Giribhu Muhs (Germany), Goga Petrovcic (Croatia), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Kristine Markevica (Latvia), Local runners (Latvia), Olivia Lopez (Mexico), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Roxana Magdici (Romania), Sadanand Magee (Ireland), Shobhini Tuhkanen (Estonia), Uddyogini Hall (Australia), Ulugbek Berdimurotov (Uzbekistan), Ulvis Kassalietis (Latvia).  
Accompanied by  
Lubova Katkova
Dhavala Stott, Goga Petrovcic, Kaspars Zakis, Sadanand Magee
The torch has travelled 47.0 km from Jēkabpils to Aknīste (robeža / border).

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