Juli 31, 2016 Live from the road

Brighton, Ontario - Kingston, Ontario

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo 110.0 km

Our youngest member, Pasha from New Zealand, had to leave us today to spend time with his mom in Toronto. His short time with us was filled with non-stop fun and youthful energy. We hope to see him again on future Peace Runs.

Pasha led us on a hike and jog through some local trails before our first event today.

Kingston is situated on Lake Ontario which offers great vistas from many areas of town.

Our first stop of the day was the Kingston Farmer's Market.

There were many interesting and delicious concession booths we were able to explore.

We met with some very special people there and offered a small ceremony.

Tibrata Gillies is a very accomplished and professional chef. She also is an advocate of local farming and fresh, healthy foods. She most deservedly received the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award for her decades of dedication to inspiring and teaching people how to grow and prepare healthy foods in her community and in other cities as well. She supports and participates in the weekly farmer's market here as well.

Hladini Wilson is our local coordinator who arranged today's events for us. She gladly presented Tibrata with the Torch-Bearer Award.

Tibrata was moved to tears by the honor of receiving the award and meeting the international group of runners.

We passed the torch around to others who came to this wonderful market on a beautiful day in Kingston.

We were also educated on the healthy attributes of honey and the amazing process by which the bees produce it.

Some families shared the Peace Torch with us as well.

This French-Canadian cyclist, Benoit, was very happy to meet us, especially Pierre from France. They had a very nice conversation in French sharing their experiences as teachers of French and English.

Amanda and Brooke were happy to share the Torch and make a wish for peace.

The wonderful reception to our Peace Torch was inspiring to us as we met people who sold delicious items such as fresh cheeses, local honey, friuts and vegetables and incredible cooked foods such as dumplings and chorros.

At our next destination we introduced ourselves to a group of concerned citizens from various community and religious organizations.

Ross Maddams offered us some wonderful music with his guitar.

The ceremony began with Joanne Gunning from the group Peace Quest. She inspired us with some suggestions on how to represents peace but more importantly how to spread peace. She then had to rush off to her duties as a volunteer for a local triathlon which was passing through the park at the same time.

Linda Cote is a pastoral leader and Catholic School instructor her offered her inspired thoughts on the importance of honesty, hope, oneness, forgiveness, faith and service to others to help bring about peace.

Philippe Baille, from St. Mary's Catholic Church, offered his international outlook on peace and fatih. Having lived in Nigeria and Morocco, Philippe spoke many languages as a French Canadian as well He offered us a prayer for World Peace which included, "...the power to be gentle, the strength to be forgiving and the power of love to overcome hatred".

As we passed the torch around to the many peace lovers who came here today each person had a chance to offer their hopes and dreams for world peace either silently or with inspirational thoughts.

Najam Kodvav from Pakistan from the Islam Society of KIngston offered his spiritual inspiration as well. His beliefs include that 'God is One, and to live in peace we must respect each other.'

Kantilal Naran offer us an ancient Vedic prayer which is translated, "Lead us from the unreal to the Real, Lead us from darkness to light, Lead us from death to Immortality."

Nazila Isgandarova and her family share the torch offering their friendly smiles and wishes for peace.

It was a very inspired group of individuals who offered very special messages which encourages us to go on with hope and optimism in our hearts.

Close by at another park we met with Yessica Belsham and the Kingston Drum Circle.

Yessica started this Open Community Drum Circle over two years ago to bring people together in a fun and musical way even if one does not have a musical background.

Yessica's father, Carlos, also participates as he energeticly plays a number of Konga drums at once.

Everyone had a drum to play.

Our good friend Mahamuka from Kingston, left, joined the team for the day.

Paramita from Kingston was one of our kind and generous local coordinators who hosted us for two days and fed us quite well.

Yessica offered her inspiring thoughts on the benefits of drum circles. For physical, mental and emotional health she explains that this type of rhythmical exercise offers energetic based healing. She is trained in many styles of drumming and has participated in drum circles worldwide.

Yessica and her dad Carlos offered us a dynamic opportunity for drumming together with a sense of harmony and oneness.

Maurice Feyan and Cori Mayhu from Peace Quest offered us handmade Peace Dove pins as a wonderful expression of sharing peace.

Our evening meal was hosted by our dear friends Paramita and Hladini at their apartment situated on Lake Ontario.

Families of ducks are a common site on Lake Ontario just behind their building.

High fives for a great meal.

Puroga breaks his neck over a difficult jigsaw puzzle which could have taken him the rest of the week if he had time.

Two local friends of Hladini and Paramita share the Peace Torch as they offer their smiles and hearts of oneness and peace.

Our accommodations for two nights were kindly and generously offered by Patrick at the local Kingston KOA. We are very grateful to him for this wonderful campsite.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Pasha Royden (New Zealand), Pierre Lantuas (France), Puroga Theobald (Hungary), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Victoria Aguila (Colombia), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 110.0 km from Brighton, Ontario to Kingston, Ontario.

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