This morning in Providence, Rhode Island we visited the statue of Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run, in Roger Williams Park. This statue of Sri Chinmoy holding up the Peace Torch for anyone to share their hopes, wishes, goodwill and prayers for peace was dedicated at this idyllic location in April 2011.

Also in Roger Williams Park, near the Botanical Garden, is a Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree, planted and dedicated to world peace in 1982. Before leaving Providence to run into Connecticut, our international Peace Run team took a few moments to enjoy the powerful and peaceful environment which this tree has offered to all those who visit here for over 40 years.

Entering Connecticut from Rhode Island there is a causeway which crosses a section of Beach Pond, This Causeway is a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom, dedicated in July 1991 in honor of Sri Chinmoy and his tireless efforts to inspire world peace.

Entering the final state of Connecticut before we finish in New York in two days, where we started this Peace Run in April.

On our run into Connecticut our team was greeted by local runners from the Mohegan Striders running club who ran ran with us into the beautiful City of Norwich, Connecticut.

Beautiful classic old buildings dotted the landscape as we made our way to the NFA, Norwich Free Institute.

Lori, from the Eastern Connecticut Savings Bank, was thrilled that we were running by her bank and she came out to share the Peace Torch and offer her own wishes and goodwill for peace.

We also stopped by the City Hall building, an historic building where President Abraham Lincoln gave a talk about the abolition of slavery in a time when Norwich was a key city assisting in the safety and freedom of local slaves.

The beautiful Cathedral of Saint Patrick was also a wonderful place to stop for a photo in front of this historical and immense iconic architectural wonder.

Our next stop was the NFA, Norwich Free Academy. At the NFA they empower their students to be 'fearlessly independent'.Here they have the freedom to explore their passions from the arts, sciences and humanities to hospitality. They offer a robust selection of core and elective courses unmatched by any public school in the region, giving students endless opportunities to explore new horizons.

Bill Champagne, in white shirt, looks on as Dr. Quesnel offers some insights into the nature and history of this beautiful school. Bill is a longtime friend of the Peace Run and has arranged many events for our team each time we run through Norwich.

We then run to the athletic field where our team runs a lap around the students eagerly awaiting our arrival. Although the school is not in session yet, these students are musicians who are also having a band practice.

We introduced ourselves and the members of the Mohegan Striders running club who helped us carry the torch through this beautiful city. Paul Andrewskiewicz (right), is a longtime member of the running club and has joined us every time we have run through through Norwich for decades.

We all had a moment of silence to feel peace in our hearts and feeling it expanding and spreading all around.

Tim Smith, the founder and leader of the Striders offers our runners their official team running shirt. Tim has enthusiastically helped organize and participated as well in all of our Peace Runs and activities here in Norwich over the years.

Nora, Drum Major for the marching band, and Dr. Quesnell gladly receive our Certificate of Appreciation for their enthusiastic participation in the Peace Run here in Norwich.

We are extremely grateful to all of the staff and organizers here who helped to put this wonderful event together.

The most fun comes as we all do a 'peace lap' around the track as many of the students take turns carrying the Peace Torch.

Everyone has a chance to hold the Peace Torch as they offer their wishes, prayers, or goodwill and pass it on.

Two of the twirlers who were practicing with the band showed us some of their skills in handling the wooden 'gunstocks'.

Sharika, our runner from Rhode Island, speaks with Leo Butler, who is head of the Diversity and Equity Administration of the NFA. He has worked with and counseled students from all over the world including Cape Verde Islands, where Sharika's family is originally from.

The staff members share the Peace Torch with Senator Cathy Osten. We are happy and grateful for her presence as she stayed throughout the whole event.

Before leaving the NFA we were invited next door to a short tour by Dayne Rugh, of the famous Slater Museum which has been displaying replicas of famous works of art and sculptures from around the world since 1888.

Meeting people along the way who show interest in our event give us joy as they stop to offer their wishes and goodwill for peace.

John F. Kennedy, who runs the ferry boat across the Connecticut River, shows our women's team a photo of him meeting President John F. Kennedy in the early 60's.

John ferried our women's team and their vehicle we call 'Silver' across the Connecticut River, which has done in the past a few times. He was thrilled to ferry one of our Peace Run teams and vehicles once again after many years.

Sharing the Peace Torch with Captain JFK and friend under the 75th Anniversary sign of their ferry boat service.

We introduce ourselves by having the children guess where each runner is from. Todorka from Macedonia uses this traditional hat as one of her clues. We were 17 runners from 16 different countries.

The children participated in one of our songs composed by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run, about peace and harmony, with actions included for each line.

The children seemed to understand this concept of silently feeling a sense of peace expanding from the heart.

One of our skits portrayed peaceful and helpful behavior which can add and spread peace from person to person. The children have to judge if the skits demonstrates a peaceful behavior or not.

The children offer lots of beautiful smiles as they display their peace drawing and colorful paintings.

Arpan, who is originally from the city of New Haven, and Kuranga Doran who kindly organized this event for us, offer our Certificate of Appreciation to the Director, Alyssa Carr, on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club.