vas. 12, 2025 Live from the road


Reported by Emanuels Putans, Homagni Baptista

The Peace Run was welcomed at the gate of SOS Hermann Gmeiner School by the principal Ranjana Bajagain. She presented each of the team members with traditional Nepali khada.

The students lined the school entrance as we arrived.

Principal, Ranjana Bajagain, gave a warm welcome speech in which she emphasized the importance of peace in contemporary world.

The team was thrilled to experience a traditional Nepali dance by the students.

As part of the student's presentations, we listened to a wonderful poem about the meaning of peace.

Feeling peace in the heart...

The Peace Run offered a token of gratitude to the SOS Hermann Gmeiner School for participating in Nepal Peace Run.

All the teachers of the school passing the Peace Torch.

We popped into the kindergarten to say hello to all the future peace makers.

The Guatemalan Peace Runner celebrated has reaching Nagarkot.

The Torch-bearer award was given to Santoshi Shrestha, Nepali national record holder in 10 kilometer, half marathon and marathon distances. She ran the marathon at Paris Olympics 2024. Being an expert in public health and nutrition as well, she continues to break barriers and stereotypes of women athletes in this country. She is so full of joy and is an inspiration to all, especially future female athletes in Nepal.

Santoshi is accompanied by Mr. Diwakar L Amatya and his wife Bimala Joshi. They were both outstanding athletes and now share their experience by training young upcoming athletes.

The team was very happy to celebrate the birthdays of Salil Wilson, the director of Peace Run and Sushila Lohani, our local Nepali team member.

The women's Peace Run team had a chance to meet Laxmi Magar, Nepal's Queen of the Mountain, 8 times National Mountain Bike Champion. She has been a friend of the Peace Run for many years. Its always a great joy to swap stories whenever we meet.

Torch carried by
Devesh Ghimire (Nepal), Emanuels Putans (Latvia), Harashita Sunoshi (Japan), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Jitendra Singh KC (Nepal), Krishna Kushwaha (Nepal), Local runners (Nepal), Mirabel Gonzalez Lopez (Guatemala), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Rajendra Sharma (Nepal), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Ulugbek Berdimurotov (Uzbekistan), Urdhacheta Yap (Singapore), Vananvat Ishkhand (Mongolia), Vijay Mishra (Nepal).  
Homagni Baptista, Urdhacheta Yap

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