We are all Gratitude to the Holiday Inn Express Rochester-Greece for generously donating rooms for the entire team. Their open hearts not only give us encouragement to keep going but quite literally make this whole thing possible.

This morning we had to say good-bye to one of our team members, before her departure back home. It was a short but sweet time together!

The first run in the morning - the rain blessed us from the first step. A hurricane was in the area, but we were fortunate to escape it, having only pouring rain all day long!

We passed beautiful green areas - rolling hills, forests and small villages. Running in nature always gives joy.

Our first meeting of the day was in the town of Jordan with J.E. Senior Citizen Club. We were greeted with lots of enthusiasm by the Club members and friends.

A truly enthusiastic participation of the Club members in the World Harmony song, accompanied by actions!

It was so wonderful to see this much interest and readiness to jump into action! Thank you for that, Senior Club, and for tasty pizza that you shared with us!

The Certificate of Appreciation expresses our heartfelt gratitude towards the participants of the run.

A moment of prayer to offer good will to the World at large. We will carry these prayers along with us.

Much gratitude to local councilman, Joe Patrick who is the main facilitator in organising the twice-a-week Senior Club get-togethers. Joe has dedicated his life to serving the Community.

After the ceremony at the Senior Club, Marianne - sister of Daulot, one of our team members, ran a few miles together with her brother under a pouring rain. Marianne advised us to visit a wonderful cafe in the town of Jordan, NY - Peace Love Coffee.

Peace Love Coffee chose this name for the cafe because they felt that people should use these words more often - PEACE and LOVE. What can be more important?

In the afternoon we were greeted by the Boys and Girls Club of Syracuse. This club members are great lovers of basketball. When we arrived, East and West club boys teams were playing basketball- it was a great game and we enjoyed watching. Afterwards it was our turn to do the presentation.

Boys and girls did a GREAT JOB guessing the countries where we come from, even the most difficult countries.

In the afternoon our team continued running in the rain. We did enjoy it! It was a great change and also fun after many days of strong sun.

Thank you Marianne and Christopher for a most delicious meal and an amazing evening in your cozy house. It is not the first and hopefully not the last time that Peace Run has been hosted in this wonderful place!

Sri Chinmoy is street named after the founder of the Peace Run. It was a nice surprise for us to find in these exquisite surroundings! We were originally planning to camp tonight, but when the forecast for torrential rain came in, Marianne and Christophers neighbor Paul Moore kindly offered us a house to stay in. All gratitude to you, Paul!