Фев. 16, 2024 Live from the road

Paekakiriki - Wellington

Reported by Daniel Rubin, Niryana Marshall 40.0 km

Thank you for our wonderful stay at El Rancho, and the fantastic meal provided. Most grateful!

Early start to our running day.

Paekakiriki School

The Peace Run team talking to the Paekakiriki school students.

The students singing the World Harmony song, with actions.

Feeling peace inside our hearts.

Funny skits performed by the Peace Run team.

Thumbs up for skits that showed kindness.

Receiving peace run certificate.

Students get to hold the peace torch.

Running around the school grounds with the peace torch and the peace run team.

Flying the peace flag.

Paekakiriki school and peace run team group photo.

Running toward Wellington.

Beautiful coastal views.

Talking to the Thordon School students.

Feeling peace inside our hearts.

All the students get a chance to hold the peace torch and make a wish for peace.

Running around in teams, passing on the peace torch to each group.

A long line of Lyall Bay students line the footpath to greet the peace runners.

Running into Lyall Bay school hall.

Asking the students, what peace means to them.

More peace is felt by the Lyall Bay students.

The teachers all get to run and hold the torch.

The peace run team give a certificate of appreciation to the school and artwork to remind them of our visit.

Everyone gets to hold the peace torch.

Thanks Toyota NZ for sponsoring our peace run van.

Torch carried by
Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (Slovakia), Caslav Mitrovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Daniel Rubin (South Africa), Don Kerr (New Zealand), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Niryana Marshall (New Zealand), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Roxana Magdici (Romania), Yoko Yamaguchi (Japan).  
Niryana Marshall, Preetidutta Thorpe, Roxana Magdici
The torch has travelled 40.0 km from Paekakiriki to Wellington.

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