Sept. 23, 2024 Live from the road

Orhei - Chișinău

Reported by Dhavala Stott, Ion Frunza 68.0 km

Thank you, Orhei. the breakfast was as spectacular as last night`s dinner...

Mulțumim, Orhei. Micul dejun a fost la fel de spectaculos ca și cina de aseară...

Ready to start...

Suntem gata să plecăm la drum...

Our first stop today is Seliște

Primul popas de azi îl facem la Seliște

Some school children ran with us up to their alma mater where their colleagues and the Principal were waiting for us

Unii copii au alergat cu noi până la școală, unde colegii lor și doamna Directoare ne așteptau

Very nice welcome words from the Principal

Directoarea ne întâlnește cu căldură

A flock of peace doves...

Un stol de hulubi ai păcii...

Torch carried by
Alisa Ivanova Manojava (Ukraine), Constantin Crudu (Moldova), Dhavala Stott (Great Britain), Gheorghe Cebotaru (Moldova), Ion Frunza (Moldova), Jana Dušková (Czech Republic), Mihail Frunza (Moldova), Mihail Guzun (Moldova), Oliveria Lopez (Mexico), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Roxana Magdici (Romania), Samunnati Natalia Lehonkova (Ukraine), Uddyogini Hall (Australia), Vladimir Ivanov (Moldova), Vladimir Rusu (Moldova).  
Dhavala Stott, Roxana Magdici, Uddyogini Hall
The torch has travelled 68.0 km from Orhei to Chișinău.

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