फेब्रुअरी 20, 2024 Live from the road

Wellington Top 10 Holiday Park - Fraser Crescent School

Reported by Roxana Magdici 18.0 km

At Wilford Primary School...

... the children listen attentively to clues to guess where we are from. What country is Sarajevo the capital....yes...Bosnia!

Which country has big snakes and spiders that Caslav recently visited? Australia!

We together form a world of harmony; that's what we learn with the World Harmony Run song!

And now it's time for the teachers to run for peace around the students.

We warmly thank Wilford Primary School with a certificate of appreciation and a painting by the founder of the Peace Run.

The students can now happily run in the playground with the peace runners...

and hold the peace torch...

with a cheerful smile.

We conclude by planting a tree for peace, a living example to remind us of the Peace Run motto: "Peace begins with me".

The memory of a wonderful peace ceremony at Wilford Primary School will last forever in our hearts! Our most sincere gratitude and deepest appreciation.

At "Taita Central School" we give the teachers a warm applause for the wonderful job they do working with the students.

Three students receive a painting on peace by Sri Chinmoy on the theme "Change" and a certificate of appreciation for receiving us.

It's thrilling to hold and share the peace torch among one other!

This 6 year old Indian girl remained behind during the run, but the peace torch doesn't leave anyone behind. Here she is happily making a wish for peace with her teacher and her school friend.

Final picture, with everyone saying "Peeeeace". Such a wonderful school "Taita Central School" is!

We are warmely welcomed by Mayor Wayne Guppy, Deputy Mayor Hellen Swales, Counselor Blair Griffiths and Counselor Tracey Ultra at Upper Hutt City Council.

We introduce our names and countries and share our love for New Zealand and the Maori culture, saying how deeply we feel honoured by being able to bring the torch here.

Mayor Wayne Guppy holds the peace torch and later on reminisces when he was physically lifted overhead by the Peace Run founder. Sri Chinmoy employed a special weight-lifting apparatus to honour men and women of note including Prime Minister David Lange, powerlifter Precious Mckenzie and Olympic sprint legend Carl Lewis.

Deputy Mayor Hellen Swales, on hearing that the Peace Run team has not had lunch yet, invites the runners for delicious treats and drinks. We are most grateful for such a heartfelt welcome from the Upper Hutt District Council!

We are welcomed by the smiles and peace drawings of the children of Fraser Crescent School.

They are delighted to run with the peace torch...

... and pass it to each other...

... and bring it to the big hall where their schoolmates are peacefully waiting.

Ananda-Lahari introduces himself: "I come from the country famous for the Alps, cheese and chocolate. Which country am I from?" "Switzerland!" the children guessed.

After the Peace Run team sang their song the children reply with the touching song "Peace like a river in my soul".

Children learn the secret of the Peace Run: making a moment of silence and peace before running out with the torch.

The school relay starts and the flame is on!

Wooow! This peace torch feels very special!

Bye bye Fraser Crescent School! It's been so beautiful and cheery running for peace with you!

Torch carried by
Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (Slovakia), Andrea Todic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Caslav Mitrovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Daniel Rubin (New Zealand), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Mark Harvey (New Zealand), Roxana Magdici (Romania).  
Caslav Mitrovic, Harashita Sunaoshi, Roxana Magdici
The torch has travelled 18.0 km from Wellington Top 10 Holiday Park to Fraser Crescent School.

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