मई 1, 2024 Live from the road

Senj - Maslenica

Reported by Gianluca Marangon 134.0 km

Good morning Senj

Dobro jutro Senj

Guess the Torch Bearer....

Pogodite nositelja baklje....

A moment of silence before we start

Trenutak tisine prije pocetka dana

The name of this town is Wrong Way. We did not go that way...

Nismo isli u Krivi Put...

The local people of Senj held the torch enthusiastically.

Stanovnici Senja su entuziasticno primili baklju

Tihomir looking forward to some happy kilometres along the beautiful Dalmatian coast.

Tihomir se spremao za sretno trcanje uz predivnu Dalmatinsku obalu

Vera's flower-smile

Verov cvjetni osmjeh

Teamwork is key :)

Timski rad je kljucan :)

We met a lovely group of people from Slovenia. They were inspired by the runners on the road and stopped to say hello.

Susreli smo predivnu grupu ljudi iz Slovenije. Dobili su inspiraciju od trkaca pa su odlucili se zaustaviti i slikati se sa nama.

They also ran with us for a short while.

Kratko su i otrcali sa nama

Runners are smilers :)

Trcanje nas usrecuje :)

Runners are smilers :)

Tracanje nas usrecuje :)

We stop for some delicious homemade lunch in Karlobag

Na kratko smo se zaustavili u Karlobagu. Domaci obrok je bio fantastican

After lunch, time for a yoga class with Martin from Austria

Nakon rucka, vrijeme je za sat Yoge sa Martinom iz Austrije

Meeting with more Peace Run enthusiasts on the way :)

Susreli smo jos

We bid farewell to Karlobag and make our way toward Maslenica

Pozdravili smo Karlobag i krenuli prema Maslenici

Runners are smilers :)

Trcanje nas usrecuje :)

Lavader Way to the right

Put Lavande na desno

Nature's beauty inspires us

Ljepota prirode nas inspirira

After 134km of beautiful running, the teams arrives to Maslenica

Nakon 134km previdnog trcanja, team stize u Maslenicu

The Croatian team of runners holds the Peace Torch near the bridge of Maslenica

Hrvatski team trkaca drzi Balkju Mira pored Maslenickog mosta

Group photo beside the bridge connecting Maslenica to Posedarje. Runners get some rest, tomorrow is another day :)

Grupna fotografije pored mosta koji spaja Maslenicu i Posedarje. Trkaci odmorite se, sutra je novi dan.

Torch carried by
Balogh Zsuzsi (Hungary), Daniel Novák (Czech Republic), Gianluca Marangon (Croatia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Martin Lindner (Austria), Michaela Zdeňková (Czech Republic), Miroslava Novakova (Czech Republic), Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Tihomir Cundić (Croatia), Uddyogini Hall (Australia), Vera Marques (Portugal).  
Gordana Petrovčić, Martin Lindner
The torch has travelled 134.0 km from Senj to Maslenica.

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