मई 24, 2024 Live from the road

Chama, NM - Pagosa Springs, CO

Reported by Homagni Baptista, Jozsef Dicso 48.0 mi

Our first task for the day was meeting with the fantastic staff from the Vista Del Rio Lodge. Half the team stayed here and loved the accommodation.

Special thanks to Cumbres Suites for offering our team a big sized room. The girls team loved the accommodation.

Puroga drove our RV through the Colorado State.

Marina and Egi met with Adrian Notsinneh the Legislative Council Member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. He gave them a medal and was inspired to hold our peace torch and to run a few steps.

Everywhere we run there are stunning rock formations.

After a long day of running, Homagni took a moment to enjoy a few of the fast moving river and the Pagosa Hot Springs.

Jozsef received a complimentary professional sport massage treatment from Markus Hughes, NCTMB in Pagosa Springs. Markus is such a sweet and kind soul. Just spending time with him was a blessing.  He was able to dramatically improve the hamstring injury that Jozsef has been experiencing.

We received a warm welcome at the Pagosa Spring's Town Hall when we met with Mayor Shari Pierce. We offered a Certificate of Appreciation from the Peace Team to gratitude for all the tireless service they do for the local community.

Pagosa Community Initiative (PCI) "Guess the country" game

We were invited to visit the Pagosa Community Initiative (PCI), an after school program that plays an essential role in the community.

These little children helped to recharge our team.

"Feel the peace in the heart" exercise

Our Skits offer a lesson in peaceful activities that we hope will entertain the children.

Pagosa Community Initiative (PCI) received a Certificate of Appreciation from Peace Run Team

The kids love the Peace Run cards.

Every time we pass through Pagosa Springs, we look forward to finishing our day by visiting The Springs Resort & Spa  Bath House. We are so grateful that they continue to support our running efforts by offering entry to the hot springs.  The combination of soaking our legs in the freezing river and then in the 109 F lobster pot is the perfect cure for tired legs.

Torch carried by
Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu (Mongolia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Jozsef Dicso (Hungary), Marina Pak (Russia), Pransukh Marks (United States), Puroga Theobald (Hungary), Roxana Magdici (Romania).  
Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu, Harita Davies, Homagni Baptista, Jozsef Dicso
The torch has travelled 48.0 mi from Chama, NM to Pagosa Springs, CO.

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