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Salil Wilson

Peace Run Executive Director
New York City, USA (Canberra, Australia)

I serve on the Peace Run because I love it. I feel it is the most meaningful and significant thing I can do with my life. Life on the road, carrying a torch for peace, is a remarkably enriching and rewarding experience. Connecting with people around an ideal - a yearning for a more peaceful world - is beautiful and inspiring. It gives me life and I'm grateful.

Harita Davies

New Zealand

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to take part in the North American Peace Run! It is a wonderful opportunity for me to actively combine the aspects of life that I am most inspired about and love...running, the beauty and profundity of Creation, my hopes and dreams for Peace on Earth, and my love and belief in the inherent goodness and oneness of humanity as a whole.

Brahmata Caitlin Michael

Ottawa, Canada

I have been involved in The Peace Run for over a decade and I have always found it to be such a joyful and fulfilling adventure. What better way to meet countless new people and  together express our universal longing for peace in our world, in our communities and in ourselves? I look forward to meeting you on the road!

Arpan DeAngelo

New York City, USA

I am fortunate to have been involved in the World Peace Run since its inception in 1987.  Over the past 25 years I have kept participating becasue of the children who always offer us in many unique ways the joy and enthusiasm that is so needed for a harmonious world. I also look forward to joining international team members and to run with them throughout this vast and beautiful country, meeting the people and sharing the harmony that Sri Chinmoy promoted in creating this wonderful event

Lunthitha Duthely

New York, USA

Lunthitha has been a long-time coordinator and team member both here and abroad. She brings to the team a sense of calm, poise and enthusiasm. She take tremendous inspiration from meeting everyone who comes out to hold the torch and make a wish for peace.

Vajra Henderson

New York, USA

I love humanity. Running with the torch helps me to share and realize the dream that humanity is fast approaching a new golden age of where peace and harmony will permeate our society.

Anastasiia Konova

Dnepr, Ukraine

I am from the Ukraine, my first participation in the Peace Run occurred when I was 6 years old. Since then, I was fortunate to join the Peace Run Team multiple times as I ran through many European countries. I like the Peace Run very much because it inspires and fulfills me. I enjoy running in different countries and meeting new people from all over the world. The more people and cultures I meet the more I feel that we all belong to one world family.

Nikolaus Drekonja

Salzburg, Austria

Getting together with Peace Runners to share the message of inner and outer peace and oneness is an unparalleled joy. I love it! Plus there is, of course, the adventure of traveling to and running across different countries and meeting many, many wonderful people. I feel very lucky to join the Peace Run in your country.

Rupasi Young

Seattle, USA

Peace Run has been a big part of my life since it began it 1987.  I was in my early 20’s and just beginning to understand that each person can make a difference in our world and that peace, friendship and unity are the birthright of all people.  I have participated in the Peace Run one way or another since then.  It has changed me and defined the way I live.  I try to be intentionally good and kind in all ways and to all people, even when it is difficult and trying.  I feel that is has given meaning to my life’s very breath.  I also feel that this same sense of meaning lives in every heart and becomes obvious when each person experiences the joy it brings.  For this reason, I continue supporting and giving to the Peace Run whenever possible.  The world is full of peace lovers who are looking for a chance and a way to share their own vision of peace, love and harmony.  It gives me great hope for the future and continually opens my eyes to life as it is meant to be for our world. 

Sarankhuu Jargal

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

We all speak different languages but we have the same smiles. On the Peace Run I feel we are all one family. Meeting with school children and many, many good people inspires me to run more and more. I like to make videos about the Peace Run. When I am making videos I can see how happy people are when they hold the torch.

Banshidhar Madeiros

Hawaii, USA

I was fortunate to be a part of the very first Peace Run all around America in 1987. The experience changed my life in ways that I am still exploring. Now, 31 years later, I am eternally grateful to still be able to run in this magnificent event. The simple act of running down the highways and byways of this great land carrying the Peace Torch is a privilege that I shall value for the rest of my life!


Anastasiya Lezhnina

Mykolaiv, Ukraine

I’m on the Peace Run because I feel it’s a privilege to serve humanity in this way. Plus it’s super fun! I enjoy meeting people form all walks of life and talk about fundamental concepts that could make our world a better place. I can’t think of a better way to spend my vacation!


Pranlobha Kalajian

Seattle, WA, USA

I have participated in the Peace Run across Asia and in the United States. I am a cook for a vegetarian restaurant. I am interested in fitness, music (piano and composition) photography, traveling and art.

Pujari Schaeffer

San Diego, USA

I started running the Peace Run in 1987 in California.  I get so much joy from the Peace Run and I have so many great memories of running through the beautiful USA.  It has helped me so much both inwardly and outwardly by keeping me active physically and also sharing, especially with children,  the message of oneness in our world family.  I am now 66 years old, but I still want to participate by joining the team and sharing the joy and dynamism that the Peace Run offers to all who participate.

Harashita Sunaoshi

Kyoto, Japan

I live in Kyoto, Japan, and have been participating in the Peace Run since 2005 and have visited Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Timor-Leste, USA, and Vietnam on the Peace Run. Now I coordinate the Asia-Pacific region. What I particularly like about the Peace Run is that we can make oneness-connections with people from all walks of life in so many cultures. As a team it is a learning experience to work together harmoniously and bring to the fore our best qualities. By visiting schools and other organisations and dignitaries, we runners find ourselves right in the heart of the country, or the community we are visiting, to experience peace and harmony together, which is extremely meaningful and fulfilling.

Kaspars Rutkis


Peace Run means for me increasing my oneness with the world and learning how to love the world more. Previously I have run European part of Peace Run in Latvia and in some schools in New York.

Santiva Morrison


My name is Santiva and I’m a yoga instructor. I’m from Lake Mary, FL and I have had the honor and privilege to be a part of the Peace Run since it’s beginning in 1987. As a teenager, I ran in my country, Mexico, and now I’m grateful to have the opportunity to serve coordinating in the USA and I’m thrilled to be able to be part of the team. I love sharing the message of peace and oneness since I feel it’s most needed around the world. If I caninspire a child in a school or a person during this journey I feel I did my job.

Nayaja Perugini


To me the Peace Run means "service-joy" and a great privilege. In the past, I couldn't take extra holidays to join the Peace Run for more than 2 or 3 days. My first opportunity to join the team for 10 days was in Portugal last year. It was a wonderful experience. Running always gives me joy.

Stacey Marsh

New Zealand

I have been part of the Peace Run for about 15 years now. Every year when I take those first few steps with the torch, I feel a renewed hope and promise for our world family. There is something so very special about the Peace Run, it is more than just running with a torch or talking to the children and people we meet along the way. It is a connecting of our shared hopes and dreams for a better world. This will be my first time running with the Peace Run in North America.

Virangini Afzal


I experienced my first peace run in my home state Rhode Island 20 years ago. It's powerful message has touched many hearts. When I participated in the peace run across the globe - Mexico, Indonesia, Malta -I saw how the peace run unites people to bring forward the truth that we are one world family dreaming of peace, regardless of where we call home. Now at 66 yrs old, I am thrilled to be able to part of the US team this year.


Svetlana Perevozchikova


The Peace Run is a great opportunity to feel oneness in my heart and to share the message of Peace. Since 2012 l have participated in the Peace Run in Russia. I join the team in Europe for a month in 2017. An unforgettable experience was the Peace Run in Turkey. During the meeting, one girl drew a rose and gave it to me and said that she loves me. That was such a beautiful moment.

Mananya Galante


Running for peace has made an important difference in my life. There was a time when I would march on Washington to protest a war. I ended up feeling dis-empowered, like a beggar asking for a better future. What I have found in the peace run, has turned that around. With every enthusiastic step for peace and harmony, I feel I'm moving constantly, that much closer, toward the goal of personal and global peace. The peace run itself has brought me a lot of peace, joy and satisfaction and I hope it will bring the same to others along the way.

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