Sty. 12, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Devashishu Torpy, Salil Wilson 1.0 km

Team A began their day with a visit to Attard Primary.

Some of the students escorted us into the auditorium.

It was delightful to meet these young peace lovers.

As we walked in many of the students had prepared wonderful artistic expressions of peace.

The Attard Primary school choir performed a beautful italian song for peace.

We had lots of fun meeting the students and sharing where we were from.

The young Maltese were eager to share with us their hopes and dreams for a more peaceful world.

Some members of our women's team performed some short skits demonstrating how each of us can bring peace into the world through simple acts of kindess and helpfulness.

Principal Angela Grixti received a token of our sincerest gratitude for allowing us to visit the school.

Members of the sixth grade accompanied us outside to hold the torch.

Team B's day of running began at Santa Venera Secondary School at 9am.

We had a warm reception from the headmaster Jonathan Attard.

Mr. Attard explained to us that the school is all boys but very soon will transition into a co-ed school.

Guess where I am from. I come from a country near Mexico that begins with G.

Guatemala? Correct!

My country is the largest in North Africa and we eat cous cous!

Algeria? Correct

This student gave a very eloquent speech welcoming us and expressing the aspirations of all the school to strive for Peace and Harmony.

The PE class have an opportunity to hold the torch.

Students at this school come from many different countries. The boy holding the torch is from Serbia.

Doves were released to celebrate the occasion.

We were invited to light the school's makeshift torch.

A selection of students join us for a run.

Florabela from Portugal led Team A towards our next school.

Naxxar Middle school was waiting to greet Team A and escort us to their auditorium.

The students gave us water with various inspirational qualities attached.

They had also made many beautiful and colourful posters on the theme of peace.

Here's Salil drinking a bottle of love.

The students had prepared gymanastics and dance performances for us.

They also presented us with Peace Prayers and Peace Pledges.

A moment's silence.

Presenting Principal Lino Borg with a token of our appreciation.

A selection of peace posters.

Meanwhile, at San Gwann Primary students were eagerly awaiting the runners of Team B.

Our German runner Samalya is the first to arrive, carrying the torch.

Our American runner offers high fives!

Our Austrian runner is Bigalita, an accomplished ultra distance runner who has run a ten day race .... four times!!

There is a very joyful atmosphere in this school and the students enjoyed the presentation with tremendous enthusiasm.

A moment of Peace.

Our Hungarian runners are husband and wife - and they love Goulash!

Our runners perform skits and the children had to decide whether they are demonstrating peace or discord.

One runner has been pushed off the track and has landed on his back like a stranded tortoise. This must be discord.

Everyone is eager to participate!

Run, run, run, run, run, run ....

....We are the Oneness and Fulness

Passing the torch

A prayer for Peace

Good friends!

Thank you to this wonderful school and particularly the teachers Grazia Butler and Marie-Louise Farrugia

Off, off and away!!!!

Both teams came together for our final school, St. Andrews National Sport School, which provides students with an opportunity to develop their sporting abilities.

Salil invited three students to tell us when they feel peace. They all had insightful answers, explaining about the importance of being with friends, with family, and being kind and nice to one another and not teasing or making people feel sad.

Devashishu, the Director of the European Run, asked the students about our Peace Run video and who they had seen in it holding the torch. The students recongnized many famous people and also knew of the remarkable lives of service and inspiration they had led. People such as South African President Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Olympic Athlete Carl Lewis and many more.

We presented posters of peace we had received from Naxxar Middle school to Naxxar Middle school to St. Andrews National Sport School.

We went outside for a run with some of Malta's future sporting stars.

To finish off a wonderful day some of the gymnastics stars gave us an impromptu display. Thank you to all the schools for sharing your hopes and dreams for a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Torch carried by
Adarini Inkei (Switzerland), Akrura Bogea (Brazil), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atulya Berube (United States), Bigalita Egger (United States), Bikashita Hass (United States), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Florbela Paiva (Portugal), Giribhu Muhs (Germany), Kalavati Kolesnichenko (Russia), Maria Jose Macedo (Portugal), Nandita Polissar (United States), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nisanga Mehikic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Pranayani Schuringa (Netherlands), Pushkar Müllauer (Switzerland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Samalya Schaefer (Germany), Sameepa Hass (United States), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Shatapatri Mahar (Canada), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Vettri Angel (Guatemala), Vihan Hernandez (Guatemala).  
Adarini Inkei, Apaguha Vesely
The torch has travelled 1.0 km in Malta.

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