Sty. 13, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Salil Wilson 3.0 km

This morning we left the island of Malta and headed over to Gozo which is a separate island but part of the Maltese collection of islands.

Enjoying the 30 minute ferry ride.

While a little cool it was a lovely sunny day so many of the team opted to be outside enjoying the sun with a warm drink.

Our sister ferry making her way to Malta.

As we approached Gozo we could see beautiful white cliffs.

Carlos from Brazil led Team A into the first school, Nadur Primary.

The Assistant Principal gave us a very heartfelt welcome.

Harita from New Zealand offered our sincerest gratitude for such a gracious and heart felt reception.

We went outside to pass the torch.

Holding the peace torch that thousands of children from around the world have held is always very exciting.

Then we went running which is always really fun.

Meanwhile Team B was struggling with all our packed lunches.

Apaguha, from Czech Republic, led Team B into Xewkija Primary.

The students had formed a guard of honor to greet us.

Some members of our women's team performed some short skits to demonstrate how our actions can either create peace in the world or not. Here we see Laufey and Jayasalini having a race and Laufey pushing Jayasalini to the ground. Definitely not peaceful behaviour!

Here we see an injured Uddyogini being carried by two friends. Now that is making peace in the world.

Apaguha presented the school with a token of our appreciation.

We then went outside to pass the torch.

One final photo before Team B departed. Thank you Xewkija Primary for a lovely reception.

Meanwhile Team A was running into Ghajnsielem Primary.

Becky from Wales with a grandfather on Gozo led the team into an enthusiastic reception.

Thumbs up for peace!

Learning the actions to the World Harmony Run song composed by Sri Chinmoy.

Thank you Ghajnsielem Primary for a lovely welcome.

Robert from the Ministry of Youth and Sport joined us for the day.

Team A and Team B then all met up together and ran about a mile to Lunzjata Valley one of most evergreen and picturesque valleys in Gozo.

Running through the narrow streets of Gozo was lovely.

The beautiful view of well-managed fields and luscious greenery is striking. The valley was a game reserve for many Grand Masters of the Knights of St. John.

Students from Kercem, St.Francis and St.Therese Primary schools were waiting to welcome us.

Before all the dignitaries arrived we had an opportunity to share with the children where we were from and to sing our Peace Run song.

We also paused for a moment of silence for world peace.

We were delighted and honored to have a number of dignitaries present, (from left to right) Mr Victor Galea, Gozo College Principal, Hon Anton Refalo, Minister for Gozo, HE Mgr Dr Joseph Vella Gauci, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Malta to UNESCO and Dr David Hepburn, former President of the UNESCO General Conference.

HE Mgr Dr Joseph Vella Gauci receives the torch from Peace Run Executive Director Salil Wilson.

The Choir performed Sri Chinmoy's song for Malta. The words are:

"Malta, O Superpowers’ fondness-nest,
You bring to the fore every nation’s very best.
In you, the world faiths have found their oneness-choice;
In a smallness-body, earth-illumination-voice."

The students read poems for peace.

These two read a wonderful story about two Kings finding a way to make peace.

Dr. Davidson Hepburn shared some insights into why he feels peace is not just important but crucial to our continued well being.

Hon Anton Refalo, Minister for Gozo, welcomed us to Gozo and encouraged us in all our initiatives for peace.

Lighting a beacon for peace.

The event launched a year of celebrations by The Education Science and Culture Centre to commemorate the 50th anniversary from Malta’s joining UNESCO’s ASPnet (1966-2016).

The ceremony came to an end with the lighting of a beacon by Minister Refalo and the unveiling of a logo commemorating the 50th anniversary.

According to this sundial the time was 1.30 pm. It was exactly accurate.

Sadly we departed Gozo and headed back to Malta.

We said a fond farewell to Robert, Kevin and Roberta from the ministry of Youth and Sport who had accompanied us over the last three days. Thank you for your enthusiastic and heartfelt participation in the Peace Run.

Torch carried by
Adarini Inkei (Switzerland), Akrura Bogea (Brazil), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atulya Berube (United States), Bigalita Egger (United States), Bikashita Hass (United States), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Florbela Paiva (Portugal), Giribhu Muhs (Germany), Kalavati Kolesnichenko (Russia), Maria Jose Macedo (Portugal), Nandita Polissar (United States), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nisanga Mehikic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Pranayani Schuringa (Netherlands), Purnendu Knezevic (Serbia), Pushkar Müllauer (Switzerland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Samalya Schaefer (Germany), Sameepa Hass (United States), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Shatapatri Mahar (Canada), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Vettri Angel (Guatemala), Vihan Hernandez (Guatemala).  
Apaguha Vesely, Mananyu Siffert
The torch has travelled 3.0 km in Gozo.

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