Lip. 12, 2019 Live from the road

Moscow - Москва

Reported by Denis Lazarev 8.0 km

With representatives of the Information Center

С представителями Информационного Центра

In Gorky Park

В Парке Горького

2 mile race

Забег на 2 мили

Torch carried by
Denis Lazarev (Russia), Dmitriy Chefranov (Belarus), Ekaterina Russina (Russia), Elena Kareva (Russia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Hariganga Ketova (Russia), Harikanta Ketova (Russia), Tatyana Troyanovich (Ukraine), Tatyana Yakover (Russia).  
Denis Lazarev
The torch has travelled 8.0 km from Moscow to Москва.

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