Paź. 6, 2023 Live from the road

Koprivnica - Varaždin

Reported by Gianluca Marangon 41.0 km

The day started at Podolice Primary School in Koprivnica.

Dan je započeo u OŠ Podolice u Koprivnici.

The runners were greeted by a big crowd of enthusiastic students.

Trkače je dočekala velika skupina entuzijastičnih učenika.

The principal opened the ceremony with heart-felt words.

Ravnateljica je započela ceremoniju uz srčanu poruku.

Students shared their message of peace through a a rap song. You are cool when you are peaceful :)

Učenici su podjelili poruku mira uz rap pjesmu. Cools si kad si miran :)

The school choir, led by the music teacher, also sang beautifully.

Zbor skole, uz pratnju učitelja glazbenog, je isto predivno pjevao.

Other children expressed their wishes for peace through gorgeous drawings. Peace can be expressed in many ways.

Drugi su učenici podjelili njihove poruke mira uz predivne radove. Mir se moze iskazati na puno načina.

The team introduces themselves.

Tim trkača se predstavio.

Children ran and passed the torch to replicate how the peace runners work as a team to cover all the kilometres in a relay.

Djeca su trčala i dijelila baklju, prikazujući na taj način kako trkači mira uspiju ekipno otrčati svu dnevnu kilometražu kao štafetu.

Then it was clear to everyone :D

Onda je svima bilo jasno :D

Doing the World Harmony Run song is always fun :)

Raditi pokrete za World Harmony Run pjesmu je uvjek zabavno :)

After some dynamic movement, we tried to feel peace inside the heart.

Nakon dinamičnih pokreta, pokušali smo pronaći mir u srcu.

Everyone got a chance to hold the Peace Torch and make a wish for world peace.

Svatko je imao priliku držati Baklju Mira i zaželjeti želju za mir u svijetu.

"When we put our hands together all is possible".

"Kad se male ruke slože sve se može".

Which country will the Peace Run visit next? :)

Kroz koju će državu Trka Mira proći sljedeći put? :)

Thank you Podolice Primary School for such a warm welcome. We will carry your hopes for peace with us.

Hvala OŠ Podolice za ovaj predivni susret. Nositi ćemo vaše poruke mira sa nama.

On the way to the next school.

Na putu prema drugoj školi.

Our next meeting was at Ludbreg Primary School. Here we were met by some eager student-runners who were willing to share some kilometres with us towards the next village (Selnik).

Sljedeća stanica je bila OŠ Ludbreg. Ovdje smo se susreli sa dzacima trkačima koju su bili spremni da trče sa nama do Selnika,

The team did a short presentation of the run.

Tim je naravio kratak uvod o utrci.

With some funny skits to break the ice :)

Sa zabavnim skečevima za probiti led :)

Finding peace before running helps our performance :)

Pronaći mir u sebi prije trčanja pomaze u nasem performansu :)

The principal of the school shared the message of the Peace Run with the students. In 1991, when he was a boy, he ran with the Peace Torch through these same streets of Ludbreg, Now, some 32 years later, he is giving the opportunity to his students to do the same. Thank you for the inspiration.

Ravnatellj OŠ Ludbreg je podjelio poruku Utrke Mira sa učenicima. 1991, kad je bio dječak, i on je trčao kroz Ludbreg sa Bakljom Mira. Sada, nakon 32 godine, on pruža mogućnost njegovim učenicima da čine slično. Hvala na inspiraciji.

The representative of the city council also shared some thoughtful words.

Prestavnik gradske uprave je isto podržao trkače riječima inspiracije.

Thank you City of Ludbreg for sponsoring the runners with a delicious meal.

Hvala Grad Ludbreg sto ste sponsorirali trckače za ukusnim jelom.

Peace Run through Ludbreg.

Trka Mira kroz Ludbreg.

The team was getting ready for some fast miles ahead.

Tim se spremao za brzo trčanje

Our fastest runner Dima takes the lead to carry us speedily to the next town.

Naš najbrži trkač Dima preuzima odgovornost da nas brzinski dovede do sljedećeg grada,

In Ivanovec a group of runners joined us to run towards Čakovec.

U Ivanovcu grupa trkača nas je dočekala da trče sa nama do Čakovca.

In Čakovec the torch was carried by the best athletes of Cakovec Primary School 1 from the border of the city all the way to their school. The principal also runs with us, showing the best example to their students.

U Čakovcu najbolji sportasi 1. Osnovne Skole Cakovec su nosili baklju od ulaza u grad sve do njihove škole. Ravnatelj škole je isto trčao sa nama i time pružio najbolji primjer svojim učenicima.

The school choir welcomed us with a wonderful song.

Zbor skole nas je docekao sa predivnom pjesmom.

Beautiful peace drawings were displayed

Predivni radovi za mir su bili izlozeni.

A moving performance by the school flutist.

Dirljiv nastup skolske flautiste.

We were very happy and grateful to hear encouraging words from the Mayor of Cakovec

Bili smo sretni i zahvalni cuti ohrabrujuce rijeci Gradolnacenice Cakovca.

Raquel from Portugal is faster than Cristiano Ronaldo :)

Raquel iz Portugala je brza od Cristiana Ronalda :)

Race in slow motion.

Utka u usporenom snimku.

Children saying FASTER :D

Djeca govoreci BRZE :D

Children showing that helping one another is peace.

Djeca su se slozila da pomagati jedan drugome je mir.

Feel the Peace.

Osjeti Mir.

World Harmony Run

Peace makes u happy :)

Mir nas cini sretnim :)

All ready for Peace Run

Svi spremni za Trku Mira.

The runners got to try the best local juice, Cedevita :)

Trkači su probali najbolji lokalni napitak, Cedevitu :)

Thank you to all the members of the Primary School Cakovec 1 for making this event possible. We received so much joy and inspiration.

Hvala svim djelatnicima 1. Osnovne Skole čakovec sto ste omogućili ovaj event. Dobili smo toliko sreće i inspiracije.

Running towards the next school. Primary School Strahoninec.

Trceći prema sljedećoj školi. OŠ Strahoninec.

Meeting with the principal.

Dočekao nas je ravnatelj.

And staff.

S učiteljima.

The team meets the first group of runners from Strahoninec

Trkači su se upoznali sa prvim trkačima iz Strahonineca.

The children simulated the relay of the Peace Run by making a line and passing the torch while running.

Djeca su simulirala štafetu Utrke Mira time sto su napravili liniju dodavali balju trčeći.

The crowd of runners was getting bigger and bigger.

Grupa trkača se povečavala sve više i više.

Say Peeeeace....

Recite Miiiirrr.....

Peace is in our hands.

Mir je u našim rukama.

Together we are stronger.

Zajedno smo snažniji.

Guess where the runner is from!

Pogodite odakle je ovaj trkač!

This is so much fun :D

Ovo je prezabavno :D

A moment of Peace led by Ilija.

Trenutak Mira

Our torch flame

Naš plamen mira

With peace we are the fulness.

Sa mirom smo potpuni,

Fastest slow-motion runners :D Who will win?

Najbže trkačice u usporenom snimku :D Tko ce pobjediti?

Thank you Primary School Strahoninec for all your enthusiasm and for running with us in such a big group.

Hvala OŠ Strahoninec za vaš entuzijazam. Hala vam sta ste trčali sa nama u ovakvom broju.

Boys looking for the best route to our final destination of the day, Varazdin

Dečki traže najbolju rutu za posljednju destinaciju dana, Varaždin.

Happy runners on the road.

Sretni trkači na putu.

Varaždin that way.

Varaždin onim putem.

We did it :)

Uspjeli smo :)

Thank you Marija Ruzic making such delicious pizzas for us.

Hvala Marija Ruzic sta ste napravili tako ukusne pizze za nase trkače.

Torch carried by
Angikar Djordjevic (Serbia), Edgars Ancans (Latvia), Emanuels Putans (Latvia), Eniko Soron (Hungary), Gianluca Marangon (Croatia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Ilija Djordjevic Arsic (Serbia), Katarina Hadzic (Croatia), Rachel Pina (Portugal), Salil Wilson (Australia), Tihomir Cundic (Croatia).  
Gordana Petrovčić, Ilija Djordjevic Arsic, Salil Wilson
The torch has travelled 41.0 km from Koprivnica to Varaždin.

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