Sty. 13, 2024 Live from the road


Reported by Devashishu Torpy 2.0 km

We are visiting Fgura football field today where young children are attending community training sessions

The Peace Run team of international runners present the Peace run to all the children

Salil Wilson, Director of the Peace Run, tells the children all about the Peace Run and its journey to more than 160 countries.

The children try to guess where Adesh is from. He is from the land of cuckoo clocks and good chocolate. Switzerland.

Suswara is from the country of Premiership football and excellent tea. England.

Natabara comes from a country and a city that has a statue that looks like this, holding a book and a torch. New York City, USA.

Ion from Moldova leads the children in learning the actions for the World Harmony Run song.

The parents join in

Passing the torch from hand to hand

The parents have their chance to hold the torch

Some Erasmus exchange students are present at the ceremony.

Everyone has a chance to run with the torch

Thank you to Larkin Bonnici (second from left) who works for the Ministry of Home Affairs, and runs this training school in his spare time.

Now the runners will run to the plaque that was inaugurated in 1998, dedicating Malta as the first Peace Blossom Nation.

In a small park in Kalkara everyone is gathering for this ceremony.

This is the plaque

The Mayor of Kalkara, Mr Wayne Aquilina, welcomes everyone. He is standing with council members Maria Sultana, Speranza Chircop, and Christopher Bruno, and our friend Larkin Bonnici.

Nripal Eric Petersen recounts his visit to Malta in 1998, when he attended the dedication of Malta as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom Nation.

Torch carried by
Adesh Widmer (Switzerland), Agnieszka Sarzynska (Poland), Asprihanal Aalto (Finland), Bhoiravi Achenbach (Austria), Chintamani Nordmeyer (Austria), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Frederic Ashcharjya Gat (France), Gabriel Quentana (Guatemala), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Ion Frunza (Moldova), Jwalanta Voelkner (Germany), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Parichayaka Hammerl (Austria), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Shamita Achenbach-König (Austria), Suswara Payne (Great Britain), Todor Angelov (Bulgaria), Vasanti Niemz (Germany), Violeta Angelova (Bulgaria).  
Agnieszka Sarzynska , Gabriel Quentana, Natabara Rollosson, Purnahuti Wagner, Vasanti Niemz
The torch has travelled 2.0 km in Kalkara.

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