The Peace Run team was fortunate enough to meet Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi who officially welcomed the Peace Run to Niue.

In his office the Peace runners were able to hear of the work the government of Niue is doing on both a local and global scale,

Whilst in the government building, the Peace Run team had an opportunity to more formally met the Honourable Sonya Talagi, Minister for Education and Social Services who had been at the airport and welcomed us on arrival.

The Peace Run was then welcomed at Niue Chamber of Commerce (NCOC) where we were greeted by Catherine Papani and her team.

Catherine's enthusiasm and passion for her job is infectious and soon an impromptu Peace Run relay was happening between the neighbouring businesses!

Niue has some of the best honey in the world (named Best International Honey at the UK’s 85th National Honey Show - the Oscar’s of world honey)

The team could have spent hours here learning all about these amazing bees and their delicious honey.

Honey Man very kindly gave us some of their award winning honey to enjoy for the rest of our time here in Niue.

with a quiet and soulful relay run through the Huvalu forest conservation area of Niue. This area is very sacred and is mostly left untouched so that nature can continue to flourish.