We spent the morning at Viminacum, a military camp of the capital of Roman Moesia.
Jutro smo proveli u Viminacijuumu, vojnom kampu glavnog grada rimske Mezije.

We admired the statue of Constantin the Great, first Christian Emperor of the Roman Empire who was born in Nish, Serbia.
Divili smo se statui Konstantina Velikog, prvog Rimskog imperatora hrišćanske vere rođenog u Nišu, u Srbiji.

to the beautiful Ram Fortress on the bank of the Danube
ka predivnoj Ramskoj Tvrđavi na obali Dunava

and took some nice photos with the Peace Torch too...
i napravili nekoliko lepih fotografija sa Bakljom mira

Our guide told us that the fortress was built by the Turks, but while digging the ground they found a Roman sanctuary dedicated to Jupiter, the mightiest of gods, which they decided to keep untouched.
Vodič nam je ispričao da su tvrđavu sazidali turci, ali kad su kopali zemljište, pronašli su rimsko svetilište posvećeno Jupiteru, najmoćnijem od bogova, koje su odlučili da sačuvaju netaknuto.

We felt that the whole place radiates with some special energy and, as he said, people even feel it has some healing properties, so they come to meditate here.
Osetili smo da čitavo mesto zrači posebnom energijom, a kao što je rekao, ljudi čak osećaju da poseduje izvesna lekovita svojstva i dolaze tu da meditiraju.

and may the Peace Torch lit our hearts and lead us at the present moment
i neka Baklja mira obasja naša srca i vodi u sadašnjem trenutku

Now girl members of our team took the lead as we were heading towards Veliko Gradište
Sada su devojke članice našeg tima preuzele vođstvo dok smo produžili ka Velikom Gradištu

Members of the Athletic Club of Veliko Gradiste met us at the entrance to the town and they ran with us to the main square
Članovi atletskog kluba Velikog Gradišta su nas dočekali na ulazu u grad i trčali su sa nama do glavnog skvera

and while we were running in the heat of the sun, the tops of the trees were so kind to offer us shade and we were filled with love and gratitude to Mother Nature
a dok smo trčali po vrelom suncu, krošnje drveća su bile tako ljubazne i ponudile su nam senku, a mi smo osetili smo veliku ljubav i zahvalnost prema Majci Prirodi

At the central town square, children delighted us with refreshing water...
Na glavnom gradskom skveru, deca su nas obradovala vodom koja osvežava...

and the Mayor of Veliko Gradiste, Mr Dragan Milic greeted us wholeheartedly in a spirit of friendship and mutual understanding.
a predsednik opštine Velike Gradiške g. Dragan Milić pozdravio nas je srdačno i u duhu prijateljstva i uzajamnog razumevanja.

The President of the Athletic Federation of Veliko Gradište, Mr Dusan Banovic was our host at the Peace Run manifestation.
Predsednik Sportske federacije Velikog Gradišta, g. Dušan Banović bio je domaćin manifestacije Trke mira.

The Mayor greeted the Peace Run with great admiration and respect and expressed his wish for the Peace Run to become a tradition in Veliko Gradiste. He also wished the Peace Torch to be held by 7-8 billion people in the world.
Predsednik opštine je pozdravio je Trku mira sa velikim divljenjem i poštovanje i izrazio je svoju želju da Trka mira postane tradicija u Velikom Gradištu. Takođe je poželeo da Baklju mira nosi 7-8 milijardi ljudi na svetu.

The President of the Peace Run in Serbia, Mr Predrag Knezevic spoke about the importance of creating peace within and without.
Predsednik Trke mira za Srbiju, g. Predrag Knežević govorio je o važnosti stvaranja mira iznutra i spolja.

The ensemble of folk songs and dances "Vlastimir Pavlovic Carevac" of the Cultural Centre of Veliko Gradiste performed for us some traditional dances wearing traditional robes.
Ansambl narodnih pesama i igara Vlastimir Pavlović Carevac Kulturnog centra Veliko Gradište prikazao nam je tradicionalni ples u tradcionalnim nošnjama.

Our founder, Sri Chinmoy, loved to appreciate and honour people from all walks of life for their tireless efforts for a better world. We strongly feel that the Mayor of Velika Gradiška and all the people here deserve this award for doing so much for peace in the world.
Šri Činmoj, naš osnivač, uvek je želeo da izrazi svoju zahvalnost i oda počast ljudima svih zanimanja za njihove neumorne napore za unapređenje sveta. Mi snažno osećamo da gradonačelnik Velike Gradiške i svi ljudi ovde zaslužuju ovu nagradu jer čine tako mnogo za mir u svetu.

and therefore we presented the Torchbearer Award to the Mayor of Velika Gradiska, Mr Dragan Milic, a great man who believes in peace and shares the same dream with us that peace will one day rule the world and that the Peace Run will last and never end.
i zato smo uručili ovu Medalju Trke mira predsedniku opštine Velike Gradiške, g. Draganu Miliću, velikom čoveku koji veruje u mir i koji deli sa nama isti san da će mir jednog dana vladati svetom i da će Trka mira da traje i da nikada neće da bude završena.

We all ran together to the place at the quay where the Peace River Danube plaque will be revealed.
Svi zajedno smo trčali do mesta na keju gde će plaketa Dunav reka mira biti otkrivena.

The Mayor of Velika Gradiska unveiled the plaque together with the President of the Peace Run in Serbia.
Predsednik opštine Velika Gradiška otkrio je plaketu zajedno sa Predsednikom Trke mira za Srbiju.

Once more, the words carved in the plaque which are dedicated to the Peace River saw the light of the day, "A moment's peace can and shall save the world." The message will remind all those who will be passing by in the future at the quay of Veliko Gradiste of that sublime truth.
Još jednom, reči uklesane u ploču koja je posvećena Reci mira ugledale su svetlost dana: "Jedan trenutak mira može da promeni i promeniće svet." Poruka će u budućnosti podsećati sve prolaznike na keju Velikog Gradišta na ovu uzvišenu istinu.

May friendship and peace forever last among people.
Neka prijateljstvo i mir zauvek traju među ljudima.

We all took a photo together to record this unforgettable moment of friendship and love.
Svi smo se zajedno slikali da ovekovečimo ovaj nezaboravni trenutak prijateljstva i ljubavi.