Nikolay is showing the Peace Run album to the kids
У памятника солдату освободителю
By the monument of a hero soldier
Встречают с гимном города и с хлебом-солью
The team receives a warm welcome with bread and salt
Музей Мыши
At the museum of mice (the name of the town Myshkin means the town of mice)
переправляемся на пароме через реку Волгу
Crossing Volga river by ferry
кормим чаек
Feeding the seagulls
подбежали к городу Рыбинску
We arrived in Rybinsk town
Нас встречают на Аллее Славы
The welcome ceremony
У скульптуры, посвященной бурлакам
At the monument to barge haulers
Torch carried by Alexey Zhilyaev(Russia),
Alfiya Asharaliyeva(Russia),
Anna Eliseyeva(Russia),
Igor Momot(Russia),
Konstantin Rybin(Russia),
Lyubov Stebneva(Russia),
Nikolay Egorov(Russia),
Regina Plyavinskaya(Russia),
Sergey Levin(Russia),
Upakaraka Tolstopyatenko(Russia),
Vitaliy Shunyakov(Russia).
Nikolay Egorov
The torch has travelled
80.0 km
from Uglich to Rybinsk.