Our day begins at the school in Trnava.
Dnes ráno začíname na základnej škole Andreja Kubinu v Trnave.

Before the kids realized what is happening we were already running.
Deti sa ani nenazdali, už museli behať.

When we pass the torch to kids "Peace sprint" begins.
Keď deťom dáme pochodeň, začína sa Mierový šprint.

At the end of our meeting we presented the Certificate of Appreciation to vise principle Mgr. Maria Pavlikova. Because she teaches physical education we presented her with our team T-shirt as well. Maybe next time she'll join us in running.
A na konci sme nezabudli odovzdať ďakovný list pani zástupkyni pre 1. stupeň Mgr. Márii Pavlíkovej. Keďže pani zástupkyňa vyučuje telesnú výchovu, priložili sme aj tímový dres. Možno si s nami nabudúce aj zabehne.

In this game kids are suppose to guess from which country is our runner. They guessed it correctly as soon as he said: "Good morning."
V tejto hre mali deti hádať, odkiaľ bežec pochádza. Uhádli to hneď ako povedal: "Good morning."

Of course we have our own motto: "Peace begins with me!", but the one on T-shirt is just as good.
Samozrejme aj my máme svoje motto: "Mier začína u mňa!", ale toto na tričku je rovnako dobré. :)

We also presented the Certificate of Appreciation to the school in Cifer for this beautiful meeting.
Aj základná škola v Cíferi obdržala ďakovný list za toto krásne prijatie.

This is how we were welcomed at the school in Senkvice.
Takto nás vítali deti na základnej škole v Šenkviciach.

Before the next meeting with kids we had a short time to replenish the energy.
Pred stretnutím s ďalšími deťmi sme sa ešte stihli narýchlo posilniť.

After lunch ice cream was a good choice. The size was just about right.
Za dobrým obedom nám padla vhod výborná zmrzlina. Veľkosť bola tak akurát.

At two schools in Pezinok we were welcomed by endless line of kids.
Na dvoch základných školách v Pezinku na nás čakal nekončiaci zástup detí.

Kids, Mr. Vice Mayor as well as principals of both schools where searching for peace where we can always find it - inside our heart.
Deti aj pani riaditeľky hľadali spolu mier tam, kde ho môžete kedykoľvek nájsť – vo svojom srdci.

From the playground where we had our program with kids principal from PS Jana Kupeckeho Mrs. Katarina Volankova and principal from PS Na bielenisku Mrs. Ingrid Jurcova were running hand in hand to the place, where the next important event is about to happen - planting the Peace tree
Z ihriska, na ktorom sme mali spoločný program, dobehli pani riaditeľka ZŠ Jána Kupeckého Mgr. Katarína Volánková a pani riaditeľka ZŠ Na bielenisku Mgr. Ingrid Jurčová ruku v ruke až na miesto, kde nás čakala ďalšia veľká udalosť - sadenie Stromu mieru.

Vice Mayor of Pezinok Mr. Milos Andel help us with the planting of tree.
Ruku k dielu priložil aj viceprimátor mesta Pezinok Ing. Miloš Andel.

We hope that in the future we will meet at this place again.
My dúfame, že sa na tomto mieste v budúcnosti ešte spolu stretneme.

At the school in Svaty Jur a lot of cheerful kids awaited us.
Vo Svätom Jure na základnej škole už na nás nedočkavo čakali deti.

Red apple I had on my T-shirt ... but somehow it just became blue.
Červená jabĺčko na tričku mám ... len mi akosi náhle zmodrelo.

"HAPPY" are we when we wish something nice for others.
"Štastný" sme, keď si želáme niečo pekné pre druhých.

Also vice principal Mrs. Andrea Hranicka was holding the torch.
Pochodeň si podržala aj pani zástupkyňa Mgr. Andrea Hranická.

Because Mrs. vice principal is remember of city parliament as well we presented her with the Certificate of Appreciation for school as well as City of Svaty Jur.
A keďže pani zástupkyňa je zároveň poslankyňa mestského zastupiteľstva, obdržala od nás ďakovný list pre školu aj pre mesto Svätý Jur.

It might look that we got lost, but this is exactly the way we are suppose to run. We just didn't know that there is no road.
Možno to vypadá, že sme sa stratili, ale presne tadiaľto sme mali bežať. Len sme nevedeli že tu nebude žiadna cesta.

For last few kilometers Mayor of Bratislava Vajnory Mr. Jan Mrva join us in running. He himself is an excellent runner.
Na posledné kilometre sa k nám pripojil aj starosta mestskej časti Bratislava Vajnory Ing. Ján Mrva, ktorý je mimochodom sám výborný bežec.

At last we reached the park "Pod lipami" in Vajnory, were our run ends for today.
Napokon sme slávnostne dobehli až do Vajnorského parku Pod lipami.

Of course kids as well as parents had a chance to hold our torch.
Samozrejme aj veľkí i malí Vajnoráci mali možnosť podržať si našu pochodeň.

Mr. Mayor read for everyone what was written on this plaque...
Pán starosta najskôr všetkým prečítal, čo je napísané na tejto pamätnej plakete...

... before we placed it at the tree which we dedicated to peace.
... a tú sme potom umiestnili stromu, ktorý sme spolu vyhlásili za Mierový strom.

After hot and exhausting day we treated ourselves with ice cream.
Po horúcom a náročnom dni sme si ešte dopriali sladké ochladenie.

The owner of ice cream shop was happy to take a picture with us. He had to hold a torch because our hands were full.
Aj pán zmrzlinár sa s nami rád vyfotil. Musel mám ale podržať pochodeň, pretože sme mali plné ruky.