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Peace Run in Sierra Leone!

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Peace is not the absence of war; Peace is the presence of harmony, joy and oneness. Peace reveals the absolute excellence of human life!

This is the spirit in which the Peace Run was founded in 1987 by the late Peace Philosopher Sri Chinmoy (1931 - 2007).

The Peace Run is a global torch relay, wherein people promote peace, friendship and harmony by passing a flaming torch from hand to hand.

International teams of runners cross borders of all kind and thereby connect schools, communities, organisations and people from all walks of life. 

The Peace Run involved so far more than 10 million people in over 150 countries. The flaming torch has visited several times numerable countries in Africa!

The message of the Peace Run is very simple one: when we can run together in peace and harmony, then we also can live together in peace and friendship!

Each of us can change the world - by giving a living example to others and taking symbolically the first step! In this spirit we can run with the torch, carry it a few miles or just hold it and pass it on - every step counts!

 (Nelson Mandela meets the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy...)

Video Peace Run Africa 2006:

 A year of Youth - Peace Run and UNESCO:

The Peace Run will visit this year Sierra Leone! 

Reports and pictures from the road


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