Before the dawn broke, we headed out to Sarangkot, hoping to have a view of the Himalayas from the famous lookout. On the way is a huge statue of glowing Lord Ganesha. For all of us, it was a new experience, as the statue was not here last time the Peace Run team visited here.

And with us for the day is Dipson (left). He and his family live very close to the peace statue of our founder Sri Chinmoy, which was inaugurated just a year ago. They very kindly take care of the statue and we are extremely grateful. Dipson is ready for a joyful day as a Peace Run team member!

Followed by a dance performance by a group of girls clad in traditional costumes of different cultural groups in the region.

The wonderful MC of the ceremony, Riju Shrestha. We are so impressed with her eloquent delivery of the programme.

After the first school, we meet representative students from the second school on the way, and together arrived at Alpha Boarding School.

Presentation of the welcome scarf. It is always sweet and special to receive this Nepali style welcome gift.

This student read a nice poem on peace; he also got the most answers correctly for the country guessing game!