In the morning we were fortunate to meet Mr Abel Guterres, Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Australia. This meeting gave lots of joy to Salil, Executive Director of Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run who originally comes from Australia.

The first school we visited was Escola Secundaria Nino Koni Santana Gleno Hermera. The students prepared for us a fantastic music performance.

At EBC.10 de Abril 99 Gleno school we were very warmly welcomed with another beautiful ceremonial shawls.

Some skits to entertain children and show them how a peaceful solution can make a difference in our everyday lives.

Jharna-Kala art by Sri Chinmoy was offered to the school as a token of appreciation for their participation in our Peace Run.

We were extremely delighted to be able to meet the national hero of Timor-Leste Xanana Gusmao at his private residence. It was so inspiring and uplifting to feel the power of his big heart.

We were told that H.E. Mr. Xanana personally putting on the tais shawls and skirts to us is extremely special, symbolising a truly heartfelt welcome and acceptance of Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run by His Excellency, who embodies the heart and soul of the nation.

Members of the National Olympic Committee, who have been extremely attentive and helpful during the whole period, hold the Peace Torch with Mr. Xanana: (from left) Fabiola Lourdes da Franca, Laurentino Guterres, HE Xanana Gusmao, Mateus da Cruz, Jacinta de Deus, Vicente Carvalho, and Dirce Neves Fernandes.

At the Timorese Resistance Archive and Museum, there was a special screening of the movie "3100: Run and Become" directed by our friend Sanjay Rawal. The movie depicts the world's longest footrace "Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race", founded by Sri Chinmoy, together with 3 other diverse traditions (Japanese monks, Kalahari Sun Bushman, Navajo Nation), highlighting the spiritual aspect of running. The co-makers of the movie are Tanya & Alex Meillier, who also made the documentary about Kirsty Sword Gusmao: "Alias Ruby Blade."