Oca. 9, 2015 Live from the road


Reported by Salil Wilson

Dubrovnik's Deputy Mayor, Zeljko Raguz was joined by Ana Matušić Director of Dubrovnik's Parks and Public spaces to dedicate the historic city of Dubrovnik and a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom.

Zamjenik gradonačelnika Dubrovnika, Željko Raguž, zajedno sa Anom Matušić, direktoricom dubrovačkih parkova i javnih površina, proglasili su povijesni grad Dubrovnik Sri Chinmojevim "Cjetajućim spomenikom mira".

Peace Run Executive Director Salil Wilson shared Dubrovnik's motto, "Liberty is not well sold for all the gold" and continued by sharing a quote from Sri Chinmoy about liberty. "The inner liberty is the highest realisation of the absolute Truth. The outer liberty is the most successful manifestation of Divinity's perfect Perfection on earth."

Izvršni direktor Utrke mira, Salili Wilson, izrekao je moto grada Dubrovnika: "Sloboda se ne može prodati ni za čitavo blago svijeta" i nastavio je sa Sri Chinmojevim citatom o slobodi: "Unutrašnja sloboda je najviša realizacija absolutne Istine. Izvanjska sloboda je najuspješnija manifestacija Božanske savršene Perfekcije na zemlji".

Our Peace Run choir sang the Peace Run and then introduced which countries they were from.

Naš zbor odpjevao je pjesmu Utrke mira a zatim su se članovi predstavili iz koje zemlje dolaze.

Ashirvad from Brazil.

Ashirvad iz Brazila.

Devashishu from the United Kingdom.

Devashishu iz Velike Britanije.

Mira from Montenegro.

Mira iz Crne Gore.

The Sri Chinmoy International Peace-Blossoms is a family of nearly 600 significant landmarks, cities and monuments in fifty nations dedicated as daily reminders of the need for peace.

Sri Chinmojevi internacionalni "Cvjetajući spomenici mira" čine familiju od oko 600 važnih znamenitosti, gradova i spomenika u pedeset nacija koji nas svakodnevno podsjećaju na potrebu za mirom.

We then planted a Peace Tree. Appropriately it was an olive tree.

Posadili smo i drvo mira. Prikladno to je bilo maslinovo drvo.

We closed by singing Sri Chinmoy's song "A New World of Peace".

Ceremoniju smo završili odpjevavši Sri Chinmojevu pjesmu "A New World of Peace".

Salil invites the TV crew to get a photo with the torch.

Salil je pozvao TV ekipu da se slikaju sa bakljom.

Torch carried by
Abarita Danzer (Switzerland), Abhinabha Tangerman (Netherlands), Adarini Inkei (Switzerland), Agnikana Šenkýřová (Czech Republic), Ashirvad Zaiantchick (Brazil), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Gannika Wiesenberger (Austria), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Istidad Alvarado (Guatemala), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Lukas Ineichen (Switzerland), Mahiya Lindner (Germany), Mridanga Spencer (Great Britain), Nayak Polissar (United States), Prachar Stegemann (Australia), Premananda Klaile (Finland), Samalya Schaefer (Germany), Smarana Puntigam (Austria), Tihomir Cundić (Croatia), Udbhasita Mášková (Czech Republic).  
Adarini Inkei

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