Oca. 11, 2016 Live from the road

Cospicua - Paola

Reported by Harita Davies, Salil Wilson 2.0 km

Team A - Our day began with a short run to Cospiciua Middle School where we met with the students.

Hon. Chris Agius MP (right) - Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, an alumni of the school and good friend, joined us at here at his alma mater where he attended as a young boy.

We were very charmed by the kindness and enthusiasm of our new young friends.

Hon. Chris Agius spoke to the students and shared some fond memories of his time here.

Enthusiastic and happy teachers.

Eager students answered our questions.

We learned the actions to the World Harmony Run song composed by Sri Chinmoy.

Kevin Azzupardi from the Ministry of Youth and Sport kindly accompanied us for the day. Here you can see him taking a moment to join the students in feeling peace in our hearts.

Dr. Agraha presented Hon. Chris Agius with a water bottle and T-shirt.

Principal Ms. Doreen Costa (seated on the left) gave us a very heartfelt welcome highlighting how fortunate the children of Malta are to live in an environment and a society where there is peace, equality and beauty.

We made sure everyone had a chance to hold the torch.

The teachers even went for a short run.

Then the students joined in relaying the torch.

Marc Voelckner with Kevin Azzupardi - they worked to put together the entire event.

Hon. Chris Agius led us out towards the next school.

Team B started our Malta Peace Run experience at Ghaxaq Primary School.

Some of the children were eagerly waiting to welcome us and run the torch into the auditorium.

250 enthusiastic kids were waiting to welcome us! They were all holding beautiful artwork on the theme of peace that they had created at home with their parents.

Kids love to run!

Our team was made up of Peace Runners from about 15 different countries!

We are extremely grateful to the School Principal, Mr Deo Grech, who was very supportive and encouraging towards the message of the Peace Run. Here he is pictured with Varunavi from Slovakia and Jayasalini from Russia.

We all went outside to hold the torch.

Even lining up can be a lot of fun!

While we were passing around the torch, the younger children all concentrated very hard sticking small pieces of coloured paper on to this peace sign, which they then presented to our Peace Run team.

This young girl is the school President. She gave a very sincere and passionate message of thanks to our team on behalf of the school.

One big happy family - thank you so much Ghaxaq Primary School!

Marcus and Akrura, two of our happy Brazilian team members on route to the next school...

The second school for Team A was Tarxien Secondary school. The students had made a very impressive banner to welcome us.

The school was also proudly displaying some very impressive artwork from the students.

Salil asked some of the students to share when they felt peace. The responses were varied and included, "being in nature," "being with friends," "being with family," and "being at church." All these insightful answers were both unique but also experiences that each one of us could identify with - highlightling our underlying unity.

Passing the torch.

Emilee Spiteri (centre) is the Principal of Tarxien Middle School.

Team B's next stop was Luqa Primary school.

The little kids were patiently waiting to welcome us.

Roberta Argento, from the Malta Ministry of Sport and Education, was our wonderful team guide for today and the next two days.

The children at Luqa had all kinds of artwork on the theme of peace and also sport prepared for us.

Atulya asked the children to guess how many brothers and sisters he has - it is a big number... 7 billion - including the whole world and if we can feel the whole world is our family and treat one another as our favorite brother and sister then we can have a more peaceful world.

Watching the Peace Run video.

Abhejali and Udbhasita from Czech Republic asked the children to guess which country they are from.

Sameepa and Bikasita from...New York!!

Peace always feels good.

So many adorable children!

The teachers held the torch too.

Anjali from the United States signing the school guest book.


Thank you Luqa Primary!!

The children helped us run the torch to the next school..

Fittingly Team A and Team B joined together for our final two schools Paola Primary A and B who also joined together.

As you can see there were smiles all around!

Led by their talented music teacher the children serenaded us with wonderful rendition of Michael Jackson's "We are the World."

Complete with everyone joining hands!!

These eager young people volunteered to learn the World Harmony Run song.

We asked them for some similar qualities to harmony and they came up with so many. Love, peace, kindness, getting along and many, many more. The future of Malta is indeed a bright one with these young people growing up.

Principals Pauline Lombardo and Elizia Marie Vassallo jointly received our gratitude for so kindly hosting out international team.

The day was complete with the release of two doves.

These young people made their own torches.

Marc led us as we ran the last few steps. A wonderful day in Malta.

Torch carried by
Abhejali Bernardová (Czech Republic), Akrura Bogea (Brazil), Anjali Das (United States), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atulya Berube (United States), Bhumika Barros (Brazil), Bikashita Hass (United States), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Florbela Paiva (Portugal), Giribhu Muhs (Germany), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Mananyu Siffert (Austria), Marc Voelckner (Germany), Marcus Trannin (Brazil), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nivedak Corradini (Italy), Pulak Viscardi (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sameepa Hass (United States), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Savita Shivaji (United States), Tihomir Cundic (Croatia), Udbhasita Mášková (Czech Republic), Varunavi Glabnikova (Slovakia), Zina Palic (Moldova).  
Apaguha Vesely, Harita Davies, Mananyu Siffert
The torch has travelled 2.0 km from Cospicua to Paola.

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