Mayıs 24, 2017 Live from the road

Postojna - Ljubljana

Reported by Devashishu Torpy

Our first meeting is at Miroslava Vilharja School in Postojna

The Olympic 100 metre final re-enacted

The children loved the slow motion drama

The children ran with us a few kilometres out of the town

In Cerknica we visit Notranjski Odred School

Amur is shoved off the track in a slow motion enactment of bad behaviour

In Grahovo children greet us outside their school - Podruznicna Enota

One of the older schoolgirls demonstrates how the older children can also join in with the World Harmony Run song

A famous lake that disappears every now and then - there are sink holes below it

We meet some Austrian bikers along the route

In Vrhnika some children runners meet us with the town representative

They are fast runners!

Torch carried by
Amur Bašić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Mahakulina Obersnel (Slovenia), Narmadyuti Ridzi (Slovenia), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Patricia Daxner (Germany), Tomaz Pivec (Slovenia).  
Paramanyu Lebedev

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