Mayıs 21, 2022 Live from the road


Reported by Agraha Levine, Rupasi Young 1.0 mi

Master of Ceremonies Nayak Polissar begins the proceedings.

Agraha Levine selected spiritual figures here in Washington State who clearly represent the highest ideals and vision of their spiritual paths. These Torch-Bearer recipients remind us that each discipline seeks peace, oneness and truth, we are more alike than different as members of one human family.

Each invitee offers a prayer from their faith at the beginning of the program.

Pastor Jeff Barker of the Fremont Baptist Church.

Ajahn Ritthi of the Atammaytarama Theravda Buddhist Monastery in Woodinville and Hindu Swami Satyamayananda who belongs to the ancient order of sannyasin and is a minister of the Vedanta Society of Washington. Ajahn Ritthi shared a powerful Buddhist chant in Pali. Swami Satyamayananda spoke: "Every one of you carries the peace, you don't need to acquire it, you need to manifest it."

Nurah Uding representing the Inayati Sufi Order. She spoke about Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. "It is up to each and every one of us to bring that peace".

And Sally Jo Gilbert de Vargas Associate Minister of the Interfaith Community Sanctuary. She told a story of the Master who bowed to the birds singing saying "The sermon has been given".

Thank you to our honored guests for sharing their love of peace and spiritual harmony with us. We gather today at the statue of Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy as an expression of our continuing dedication to and hope for a oneness world-family.

Harita speaks about Peace Run.

Peace in many languages including Spanish...




And Ukrainian.

A special addition to the program is previous Torch-Bearer recipient and pioneering Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Physician Dr. Virender Sodhi. He shares his thoughts about peace beginning with each of us. 'Pray for yourself, then the community becomes better".

Suzie Burke, a longtime and dear friend to the Peace Run shares her thoughts about working on peace every day. "Fremont in Taiwanese means Flying Dream", says Suzie. She received the Torch-Bearer Award in 2014 and has carried that torch for peace, friendship and transcendence in Fremont to this day.

Peace Run teammate Moni.

Team members share stories about the Peace Run in Seattle so far.

Now we begin our program of Torch-Bearer recognition.

Natabara explains the origins of the Torch-Bearer medal.

Pastor Barker whose lifelong commitment to the Christian faith began as a direct result of a life saving prayer...

Thank you Pastor Jeff.

Swami Satyamayananda committed to the ancient Vedic teachings through the Sri Ramakrishna order...

Gratitude to you Swami.

Ajahn Ritthi whose commitment to Theraveda Buddhism manifests through the monastery devoted to nature, generosity of time, service and self-giving.

Nayak introduced Ajahn Ritthi. His early life a a Buddhist monk makes him uniquely qualified to introduce him, the pillars of Buddhism as Truth, Virtue and Wisdom.

Gratitude for your dedication and for your love of peace and service.

Nandita introduces Nurah Uding. "Pir Vilayat Inayat and Sri Chinmoy were like brothers", she says.

Nurah embodies a spirit of love and oneness.

Love and gratitude to you, Nurah.

And finally, Sally Jo Gilbert de Vargas who embodies the spirit of the torchbearer, working tirelessly as an associate minister of the Interfaith Community Sanctuary. Thank you Sally for your love and dedication.

Peace Run Seattle is also pleased to honor our Ukrainian teammate Stutisheel who has managed support for the Peace Run Ukraine teammates during this difficult time. We are so thankful for his efforts and name him an honorary and permanent member of our Seattle team.

The Peace Walk begins.

Torch-Bearer Award recipients, we thank you for all you do to bring peace and oneness to our world.

Thank you to the Angel of Fremont for joining us today. Suzie's Torch-Bearer legacy lives on in her multitude of unseen acts and deeds on behalf of Seattle and Fremont.

Thank you to all the participants for a wonderful event and for giving Peace Run a chance to recognize all religions as part of our oneness-home.

And finally, thank you to Bishwas, our dedicated photographer and teammate, here in Washington.

Torch carried by
Agraha Levine (United States), Aparajita Fishman (United States), Bishwas Polissar (United States), Daniel Watts (United States), Daulot Fountain (United States), Dhavala Stott (Great Britain), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jagadambika Root (United States), Jamini Young (United States), Nandita Polissar (United States), Nayak Polissar (United States), Oliveria Lopez (France), Ravipriya Kalat (United States), Rupasi Young (United States), Samahita Bender (Germany), Stota Fountain (United States), Stutisheel Lebedev (Ukraine), Vidushi Candaux (United States).  
Bishwas Polissar
The torch has travelled 1.0 mi in Seattle.

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