Mayıs 22, 2023 Live from the road

The Hague - Amsterdam

Reported by Abhinabha Tangerman 75.0 km

Preparing for the first school in The Netherlands! Daltonschool De Vijver in Den Haag, the city of Peace and Justice. Very fitting that we are received by a multicultural school.

Explaining the Peace Run and answering questions of the kids.

Abhinabha is explaining the symbol of the flaming torch we carry around and pass on from person to person. Inspiation and goodwill is meant to share and pass on!

The teacher is receiving a beautiful artpiece painted by Sri Chinmoy with the title 'World Harmony'. In this way we want to thank the school for receiving the Peace Run and giving them a tangible reminder of humanity's aspiration for a better world.

Taking a step for Peace and setting the example!

Running with the kids from the Daltonschool around their schoolyard. Lots of strong runners!

Running to the next school in The Hague. Mind the bikes! Plenty of them in The Lowlands....

Beautiful sunny reception at the second school. The HSV International Primary School. This school has children from many, many nationalities. We felt very at home here!

A presentation with questions, answers, skits (what is Peace or friendship and what is not .....), a videao presentation, a meditation and running around the school.

2 Kind children receiving the artpiece titled 'Change' by Sri Chinmoy. Very fitting in this ever changing world and with the hope that this future generation will contribute in many diverse and significant ways to our society.

The Head of School, Judith Preston, is holding the painting from Sri Chinmoy. It's part of a series of abstract paintings called Jharna-Kala or Fountain Art, notable for it's spontaneous and playful style. Ms Preston gave us such a warm welcome and also ran with the torch with all the children around the school at the end of the official presentation. Thank you for this memorable visit!

Running to the next school!

Our third school of the Day, The St. Paschalisschool, gave us a warm welcome. We met the older kids on the playground and they were fantastic. Interested, curious, knowledgable and inspirational!

Doing an exercise with the kids. Put your hand on your heart and try to feel peace in yourself.

Singing and moving together to one of the songs we present to all schools we visit. This is not a thumbs up! This is the Peace flame held up!

Jeroen, one of the teachers, running around the block with the students.

Receiving a thank you from the Peace Run in the form of a framed artpiece of the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy. Thank you St. Paschalisschool!

Thank you Madal Bal for providing a great lunch for the Runners! Madal Bal health food store is located on the Denneweg 126 in The Hague with lots of Organic food and vitamins....So our runners could buy some needed supplements.

Running by many bikes....Yes, this is a bike parking with 2 layers...see the bike on top?

Alive and well! Narmadyuti and Goga enjoying a happy run together!

Canals in Amsterdam where the run ended today. Thank you to Vasavi for making a wonderful meal for all the runners and preparing the lunch for the next day!!

Goodbye for today!

Torch carried by
Abhinabha Tangerman (Netherlands), Bhadrika Beumer (Netherlands), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Erdenetsetseg Gankhuu (Mongolia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Leila van der Hut (Netherlands), Narmadyuti Ridzi (Slovenia), Pradeep Hoogakker (Netherlands), Pranayani Schuringa (Netherlands), Purupriya Dolinar (Slovenia), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Unmukta Gerretsen (Netherlands), Uugantsetseg Otgonbayar (Mongolia), Vapushtara Jongepier (Netherlands).  
The torch has travelled 75.0 km from The Hague to Amsterdam.

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