Ağu. 4, 2023 Live from the road

Vermilion, OH - Perrysburg, OH

Reported by Jamini Young 46.0 mi

A big thank you to the Ariel Broadway Hotel, in Lorain, OH for providing accommodations for our team.

One of the women's teams had breakfast at the 4th Street Diner near the hotel. It was a 50s themed restaurant with a wonderful heartfelt staff.

Nautica, on the left, was our waitress and next to her Michelle was our cook. Sharitta on the right was particularly keen to hear all about the Peace Run and videoed our explanation. It was a sweet way to start the day!

Our first ceremony was at the Boys and Girls Club of Vermilion, OH. Salil is asking for what peace means to the children. They often come up with profound answers.

Guessing where Atul is from....India!

Children singing and acting out Sri Chinmoy's World Harmony Run song.

In case you were wondering, the children were dressed up for their graduation party at the end of camp.

Amanda accepting our Certificate of Appreciation for their participation in the Peace Run.

The children created torches for the ceremony. We really appreciate it when the staff gets the children ready with activities like this before we arrive so they can express what peace means to them.

Offering wishes for peace.

The most fun--running with the torch!

Amanda shared that she will use our motto, "Peace beings with me" with the children when they are upset or need guidance.

Back on the road!

Corn, corn and more corn!

Meeting friends along the way. Many people say that we made their day, they make our day as well!

Our next ceremony was with a Camp Fire summer camp in Fremont, OH. Harita is introducing the Peace Run to the children.

We always have the children guess where we are from. Bhadrika is giving them clues to her country: the Netherlands.

Which country has kangaroos?

Pointing out Canada, we now have 3 team members from Canada!

Harita and Brahmata star in our skit demonstrating peaceful or not peaceful behavior.

No! Brahmata is pushing Harita down! Thumbs down!

Virangini offering our Certificate of Appreciation to the camp and a Jharna Kala painting by Sri Chinmoy.

Friends passing the peace torch.

Arpan makes the ceremonies lively with his harmonica.

Thank you Camp Fire group for having us!

Entering Perrysburg, OH

Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree

Steve Kramer received our Torch Bearer Award for his many years of service with the Peace Run as well as with the Perrysburg Heights Community Center.

Steve talked about his wife, Medhyata, who passed away earlier this year. He said her face would glow when she spoke about the Peace Run. She was a faithful supporter of the Peace Run in Ohio for many years. Steve and Medhyata hosted the entire team at their place for dinner and lawn games on many occasions. We have very fond memories and she is missed by us all.

Accepting a Certificate of Appreciation and a Jharna Kala painting by Sri Chinmoy on behalf of the Perrysburg Heights Community Center.

Steve very kindly treated us to a delicious meal at a Chinese restaurant that evening. Pictured to his left is Bhaktiananda Pam Summons, who has faithfully and wonderfully coordinated all our Peace Run events in Chicago for many years.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Atul Arora (India), Bhadrika Beumer (Netherlands), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Devendra Cheatham (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jamini Young (United States), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Pavaka Richot (Canada), Purnakama Rajna (Canada), Salil Wilson (Australia), Santiva Morrison (United States), Virangini Afzal (United States).  
Atul Arora, Brahmata Michael, Devendra Cheatham
The torch has travelled 46.0 mi from Vermilion, OH to Perrysburg, OH.

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