Şub. 21, 2025 Live from the road


Reported by Benjamin Louche, Daniel Rubin 11.0 km

The final hurrah of the 2025 Peace Run. We started the journey in Auckland, then met schools in Thames, Paeroa, Matamata, Tauranga and towns such as Kawerau en route to Rotorua. We meet student leaders from Rotorua Intermediate for a run to their school.

Students make a heart-felt wish for peace in their lives and the wider world community. As the torch travels from school to school, and country to country, it reinforces humanity's burning aspiration for a world of oneness.

It takes a lot to blow out the flame!

After sharing the torch with the pupils, the Peace Run team comes across Rotorua's MP Todd McClay. Todd graciously accepts the peace torch after country introductions from the team.

A proud New Zealander, local runner Preetidutta Thorpe.

Yoko carries the torch through a geothermal park, on the way to Western Heights Primary School

Park users stop us to hear about the event.

We show the 4 minute video promo to the pupils at Western Heights Primary.

These skits are fun and engaging. Students are asked to judge whether the actors are good role models or not! Here the actors warm up dramatically for an imaginary Olympic Final sprint.

In this skit runners help an injured team mate - the children give the thumbs up to a peaceful outcome.

These students are quick!

The tranquility of the Whakarewarewa Forest which is famous for its Redwoods.

Torch carried by
Benjamin Louche (France), Bhadrika Beumer (Netherlands), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Daniel Rubin (New Zealand), Don Kerr (New Zealand), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Mark Harvey (New Zealand), Nirakara Lincoln (New Zealand), Pransukh Marks (United States), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Vera Sevastiyanova (New Zealand), Yoko Yamaguchi (Japan).  
Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo, Yoko Yamaguchi
The torch has travelled 11.0 km in Rotorua.

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