Welcome to the Ukraine! Despite the recent problems that trouble the country we arrived in the beautiful country with its wonderful people. A great journey was ahead of us!
Our Ukrainian team awaited us right after the border control..
...the first steps...
...many cheerful faces along the road...
We arrived in Ustyluh. Ustyluh got famous for hosting a famous musician: Igor Stravinski.
A traditional welcome: bread and salt.
The city representative welcomed our international team.
...an interresting tour through the local museum...
...we arrived in Volodymyr-Volyns'kyi. Kids lined up on the main square...
...we spent a good time with the kids and had lots of fun...
The city representative kindly recived the torch...
...new friends...
Thank you Volodymyr-Volyns'kyi for the heartfelt welcome!
A dynamic run through the city!
We were treated for a nice lunch in the nearby monastery...
...Siesta time...
A nice welcome at the district border of Lokachins'kyi...
...we all received flowers....
Thank you for the smiles!
Arriving in Torchyn the whole school awaited us...
We got nice ribbons in the national colors...
Thank you Torchyn for the great meeting!
..more kids greeted us along the running route. Our first day in the Ukraine turned into one big street party...