Having come to the end of a full day in Cape Town with our team rationed across various tasks through the course of the day - from participating in the opening ceremony of the marathon to running the marathon or completing the 10km challenge, we then spent a restful evening camping under a perfect silver moonlit night in L'Agulhas, which is also the most southern coastal village in Africa.
Camping for the second night on our Peace Run we were within skipping distance to the sea. Imagining we had the waves of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean simultaneously lapping on our feet, we could hear the soft crashing of waves on the shore and this soothed us into a deep snoring sleep.

...And this is what we woke up to. Our team challenge - how many beautiful sunrises can we capture while we're on the Peace Run in Africa?

Oh! So this is what our camp looks like in the day! Having arrived late in the evening we got to enjoy a brief but hearty morning breakfast on the wide expanse of our campground.

We head to L'Agulhas National Park to reach the southern most tip of Africa and officially, also the meeting of two mighty oceans, the Atlantic and the Indian!

Eager, but we can still spare a moment to capture today on film...and also to confirm our direction is correct. A little further south everyone!

This family hails all the way from Brisbane having arrived only yesterday. They were really happy to hold the Peace Torch to make a wish for peace.

We know Balarka is an accomplished swimmer having trained for the English Channel Swim, but crossing two oceans with one step is no mean feet, we mean feat!

This is an 18m monument and compass depicting the undulating surface of Africa and showing the iconic southern most tip of Africa.

We head back along the wooden-slatted footpath and all along the way we are treated to an eye-feast of rich indigenous flowers and foliage.