Stewart and Pat Moore of Swansea Motor Inn had very kindly put us up for the night, and Pat was on hand this morning to accept our sincere gratitude for such a memorable stay...

... while our girls team were also thanking Kyle and Tony from Sandpiper Ocean Cottages, in Bicheno. After searching for the penguins last night, it was dark by the time they reached their accommodation. They immediately loved it and felt like at home!

But earlier ... (over to the girls team)... On our first morning in Tasmania we had the opportunity to see a beautiful sunrise on the beach. Then came some special visitors by way of the ocean ...

Some of us even swam in the ocean at the same time as the dolphins. This was an incredible experience, considering one of the brave swimmers had never even seen a dolphin before in real life!!

While the girls were enjoying watching and swimming with the dolphins, the boys team were already out the front door of their motel room and hit the road to Hobart.

Each stride presents a fresh opportunity to assimilate and enjoy anew the beauty, splendour, subtlety and magnificence of Nature…

Steve is quickly getting the hang of his new camera, as seen by this morning's sunrise photos. He's loving this new dimension of the Peace Run experience, and finding his barber's eye for detail to be an invaluable asset in his new love of photography.

This is a little sign one team leaves for the other, to indicate exactly the spot where we started running from... (so they know where they can stop!)

We have a lot of very good runners in our team, but our team here in Tasmania is a little smaller than on the mainland...

We were therefore most fortunate that the purity and power of Mother Nature, with her beautiful landscapes, mountains, oceans and rivers, helped us to complete our total distance of 148 km.

Tonight our girls team met some people from other countries who happened to be staying at 'The Pickled Frog' with us, like Philipe from Rome, who was eager to share his love of Peace with us!!

We are so grateful to 'The Pickled Frog', a unique and unforgettable hostel which is accommodating us in Hobart tonight...

Meanwhile our boys team checked in to the 'Mayfair on Cavell', a delightful old-style motel where Michael has generously donated two rooms for the night.

Glimpsing this rainbow from our balcony, seemed to sum up another glorious day in Tasmania... While on the other side fo the world, our team-mates in Europe were enjoying an inspirational meeting with the President of Croatia.