Nelson Myers-Daly from Auckland, who has been with our team from Melbourne to Adelaide, went straight from running on the Peace Run to the Blue Mountains to participate in The North Face 50 km race on Saturday. Nelson ran perhaps his best race ever, finishing 6th in a quality field of 500 runners. Congratulations, Nelson!!

As today is a Sunday we could not visit any schools, so we could just enjoy the beautiful scenery heading north from Adelaide.

The sky seemed especially large today, and the cloud formations made it feel like Heaven was not so far away.

It also felt like the sky was beckoning us forward for a whole new adventure as we head across this vast and ancient land.

We have quite a few changes to our team going to Perth. We were all very sad to say goodbye to the departing team members, but happy to welcome our new additions ... on the girls team we finally have an authentic Australian, Hastakamala from Perth (centre), and are also very happy to have Baigal from Mongolia (right) joining us. Our women's team now has one Australian, two Mongolians and two New Zealanders.

From today onwards, with the population thinning, meaning fewer meetings and ceremonies, in general we have more kilometres to cover each day – which means more running, and hence more runners. It is 3,700 km to the next big city – Perth, on Australia's west coast. From here on we will have 3 teams on the road each day. For now, this is 2 boys teams and one girls team. Our first boys team today started running from where our girls team would finish later in the day.

Our only meeting today was with Councilwoman Sue Wurst of the District Council of Clare and Gilbert Valleys, and her husband, which was truly a delight!

Amalendu has re-joined the team, having been absent since just before Melbourne. He'll be staying with us now all the way to Darwin ...

Antara-Prabhat in his first full day on the Run, made the most of every opportunity for enjoyment ...

... but the wind certainly did! Today was the windiest day of our journey so far, offering a new challenge which was embraced more enthusiastically by some runners than others …

Grahak is a great addition to the team – a strong, reliable, experienced ultra-runner – ideal for the long haul across to his home town of Perth ...

The southern tip of the Flinders Ranges begin to glow in the evening light to the east of Port Pirie, home to the world's largest lead smelter, and our home for the night ...

... Rangeview Caravan Park and Cabins are in sight of this magnificent range. Our boys team are staying here tonight, enjoying Peter's hospitality ...

... while our girls team were very happy to arrive in Port Pirie and meet Karen from the International Hotel and Motel, who are kindly and generously accomodating us for the night, thank you so much!