They say the day can be known by the morning. In our case, this beautiful morning was not only the precursor of the bright day we had but also the shining harbinger of a new leg of the Peace Run – from Perth to Darwin; from the southwestern to the northernmost point of the continent; from a cool temperate to a tropical climate – which will last the next four weeks ...

A photographer from the Stirling Times came to photograph the team before our departure from Perth ...

Today we bid farewell to Antara-Prabhat. The young man can easily don and fly on the wings of inspiration, and still can remain realistic: a rare quality! Thank you, Antara-Prabhat, for your sense of humour and creativity ...

So, we are back on the road after 4 days of official activities in Perth. These activities mostly consisted of meetings and ceremonies, and thus our legs were provided a well deserved rest ...

... we are fresh, full of energy, and we have new team members: Udayachal, Pathik, Lumir and Helena (all from Czech Republic), Emily (from New Zealand), Tavishi and Anubha (Aussies), whom we gladly welcome ...
... now we are ready again to race with the joyous wind and to bask in the energising rays of the Sun on the boundless Australian land.

With Udayachal at the helm – a former orienteering champion – there is zero chance of this team getting lost :-)

While the boys team were running out of Perth, our girls team drove ahead and kicked off our day with a visit to Two Rocks Primary School in Two Rocks, about 60 km north of Perth ...

... the 450 kids at Two Rocks really warmed our hearts with their smiles, laughter and great enthusiasm ...

We were also delighted to meet the Deputy Mayor, Laura Grey (holding the certificate) who came along to the meeting ...

Thank you, Two Rocks Primary, for such an encouraging and enjoyable start to our 220 km journey up to Jurien Bay!

We met several inspiring people on the road today – a gentleman (sorry, we did not get your name) who is cycling from Melbourne to Broome in support of Prostate Cancer research ...

... at the same time, further along the road, Ion writes:
... it's amazing how people understand – intuitively understand – the message of the Run and are ready to make the first step towards peace, even physically ...
While I was running, a car parked not very far ahead. Then the door opened and somebody came out and started to run towards me. The young man joined me in the most natural way, and so together we ran for 1 kilometre or more. His name is Brian Enad, and he showed deep interest in the ideals that the Peace Run promotes: “To run is good, to run for peace is much better”, he said ...

... thank you Brian, for your support and for your enthusiastic participation in this torch relay! Sorry, you had to return to your car by foot ...

... then Amalendu met Michael Henriksen – a cyclist and ultrarunner from Denmark. He was cycling in the opposite direction and turned around to catch up with the runner. When told about the Run, he was so inspired – he dismounted, and ran beside his bike, carrying the torch for 700 metres. Thank you, Michael. As all the people we meet, you showed that men and women around the Globe do care for peace, harmony, friendship, and all the positive qualities that unite the human beings ...

Later as we got closer to Cervantes we passed Australian actor Samuel Johnson from ‘Love Your Sister’, who is unicycling around Australia – in the opposite direction to us ...

... and is soulfully and powerfully manifesting the wish of his terminally ill sister Connie, by spreading awareness and raising funds for breast cancer research ...

We were all so happy to have the opportunity to meet Samuel and his dedicated support crew. Meeting these wonderful people who are challenging impossibility by doing great physical feats and raising funds for cancer research seemed to be the order of the day!

... then – as so often in life when we are touched deeply by someone – it was time for us to head in our separate directions: fulfilling our own destinies, yet each the richer for the encounter ...

... during the meeting here, we presented the students with a Certificate of Appreciation for their very nice artworks and participation in the Peace Run ...

We also had a Certificate of Appreciation for Councillor Michael Russell of Dandaragan Shire for his many, many years of service to his community ...

Margaret was delighted to see our peace runner, Drishalu, running up and presenting her with the torch in front of Apex Jurien Recreation ...