Before leaving Billabong Roadhouse, Phil, our generous host gave us a couple of boxes of bottled water to help us get through our miles ...

... I made the early start running out of the roadhouse towards Carnarvon and enjoyed the peace and beauty of the early morning. During my first run I witnessed the rising of the sun over the bushland ...

... the previous day it had rained heavily in this area leaving many large puddles, but a lovely-smelling wet bush land ...

... some bird noises I have never heard before keep the runners company with their unique multi-note call ...

Much of the traffic in these parts is trucks, shipping goods to and from the busy mines. They are our constant companions on the road ...

Our team finished our 96 km in time for a quick swim at Foot Bridge Beach in Carnarvon. There was also a little time to enjoy the well-equipped playground ...

After our quick breakfast we had started our run 10 km past the Overlander Roadhouse and would run 44 km towards the Gladstone ruins for a swim ...

A consequence of the huge downpour the day before was the very soft soil on the edges of the road. Unfortunately on the way I pull up on the shoulder of the road abruptly in the muddy soil. Getting out of the van we realise we are bogged. After two attempts of pushing and accelerating out, the predicament became worse. I decide to lay a path of rocks under the wheels for traction ...

... the whole team joined in, and the girls team drove past and turned around to lend a hand. This unfortunate event turned into a great team building exercise ...

... a passer by in a 4WD stopped to lend a hand. Barry and his lovely wife decided to unhitch their trailer and pull us out ...

... we were so grateful that we gave him a certificate of appreciation, though he was happy with just a handshake.

As van captain for the day, now I'd better make up with a good showing in the running department! It looks like we've forfeited the chance for that swim, but if we run well we can still make it to Carnarvon for the appointment there at 4 pm ...

Our girls team had first driven all the sections which the boys would be running, and started our own running about 70 km out of Carnarvon, heading into town along the highway. Having witnessed what happened to Steve's van, we were especially cautious about where we parked today ...

... it was a beautiful day and a beautiful run along the straight road with bush and scrub around, blue sky above ...

We passed through Wooramel Roadhouse where we were greeted by owner Sharon Young who remembered the Peace Run from the last time it came through the area as the World Harmony Run – in 2008!

She even had a photograph of the 2008 team with her husband Phil and their son, up on their pinboard. It was great to meet Sharon and hold the Peace Torch together.

After arriving in the lovely town of Carnarvon right on schedule we headed over to One Mile Jetty ...

... where Vivienne – the Community Development Officer for the Shire – had organised for us to have a ride on the adorable “Coffee-Pot” train that goes right out to the end of the jetty over the ocean ...

... this little journey was a perfect respite in our day, like stepping briefly into another realm – picturesque, tranquil, relaxing, rejuvenating ...

After our refreshing and inspiring ride along the jetty, we received our official greeting to Carnarvon, and opened with the Peace Run song ...

A special highlight was the opportunity to present a Peace Run Torch Bearer Award to Malcolm Tillbee, who sadly passed away this April. Malcolm has been a shining light in his community all his life, volunteering as the jetty train driver and at the museum. Sue Graham gave a moving speech about Malcolm’s life and his daughter Maxeen Carvil accepted the Torch Bearer Award on his behalf.

Claire Tyrrell, a reporter from the Northern Guardian, was on hand to record everything. We are so grateful for all the press we have been getting along the way – this from "Everything Geraldton" where we have just been, and this from the "Pilbarra Echo" looking forward to our arrival in Port Hedland a few days from now ...

Local grower Elizabeth Guglielmana had kindly promised to donate a box of bananas to the runners. When we met her we found she had provided not only bananas ...

... nutritious food is obviously very important for us so we are all overjoyed to have this kind offering to power us along the way ...

... thank you very much Elizabeth, for your generosity. We have already been enjoying the bananas, oranges and grapefruit – and the zucchini was a very welcome addition to our nachos meal tonight!

Our accommodation at Fascine Lodge Carnarvon has come as a very pleasant surprise: beautiful motel rooms with nice beds and bathrooms – runners' heaven!