We had a wonderful time in Coral Bay today. While we love to be out on the road, it’s a nice change to have a whole day with no kms to cover! At dawn we all headed up the sand dunes above Coral Bay to watch the sun rise ...

I describe them as hardy because – hard as it is to believe – Coral Bay had a cold overcast windy day. The previous day had been crowded on the beach but as we headed down to the water, myself and two companions had the beach to ourselves ...

At Coral Bay the Ningaloo Reef is at its closest point to the shore. You can actually walk about 50 metres through the clear turquoise water right out to the coral reef ...

Emily had good fun using the underwater features on her camera for the first time, and got some shots of cute little fish …

As well as swimming, we made good use of the rest of our rest day. Anubha (our Western Australia Coordinator) did a lot of great work organising schools and ceremonies for the next couple of weeks – here briefing Team Captain Amalendu on our schedule for the coming week ...

... the next few days for us are running between roadhouses with very few towns, so it’s important we have enough to feed our hungry team!