With renewed powers – having had a day off at Coral Bay – the 'torch runners' continue their journey north around the Continent ...

... today officially entering the tropics, and enjoying the fantastic weather.
Ceremoniously we made a picture at the sign marking the Tropic of Capricorn, to demonstrate to the 'Aussie winter' that it had lost its hold on us ...

We still have a long way north to go. The climate is still mild, with a cool breeze making for ideal running conditions ...

Kaspars is always on the lookout for that perfect shot ... but he had also better be on the lookout ...

As usual, the King-Sun reigns supreme over this immensity of land; the rare clouds that sometimes shadow him, and thus help us giving a fresh breath, are no menace for him ...

... civilisation becomes a distant memory, like many things which have come and gone unnoticed by this ancient land ...

... each day we connect with people and there is a shared acknowledgement of the need for peace in this world ...

... one of these chance meetings on the road was with Diving Instructor Nick, who has been working in Exmouth. It is a long way from his home in Spain. Nick was very excited about getting photographed with the Torch and wants to send it on to his friends so they find out about the Peace Run.

A number of wild flowers have come out in response to the recent rain, the small purple and yellow flowers creating little spots of brightness in what is normally drab green ...

The massive rocks we encountered were so appealing to us that we had to stop and have photographs there ...

... with more initiative, Lumir swiftly clambered up the rocks – with a torch – showing us what courage is.

We finished the run into Nanutarra Roadhouse and met brothers Aaron and Andrew. They recently became the new owners of the roadhouse but were aware of our visit 5 years ago. We had photos taken in front of the same sign.

At Nanutarra Roadhouse we were reunited with Alex, who had come across the Peace Run team in Eucla, just after we crossed into Western Australia several weeks ago.

Camping for the first time since the Nullarbor, we managed to get the tents up without too much trouble ...