Mr. Husiar Johnsen, Master of Ceremonies, welcomes twelve ambassadors and many other distinguised guests to the dedication ceremony for The Eternal Peace Flame and the statue of Sri Chinmoy at Holmenkollen overlooking the beautiful city of Oslo.

Mr. Frank Hugo, enviornmental activist, introduces the owner of Holmenkollen Restaurant Properties, Director Christian Ringnes.

Director Christian Ringnes, owner of Holmenkollen Restaurant Properties, welcomes all the dignitaries from many countires. He expressed his joy and pride in providing a home for both The Eternal Peace Flame and the statue of Sri Chinmoy.

A beautiful view of the Oslo Fjord as seen atop Holmenkollen at the newly dedicated statue of Sri Chinmoy and The Eternal Peace Flame.

The Eternal Peace Flame plaque at the base of the sculpture:
The Eternal Peace-Flame
Holmenkollen, Norway
Dedicated by Sri Chinmoy:
Dreamer of World-Peace
The Eternal Peace-Flame
Mankind's Oneness-Game.
Here in Norway's Oslo,
The smiles of the world glow.
May humanity's aspiration-heart
Find here the Beauty and Fragrance
Of real PEACE.
-- Sri Chinmoy
Oslo, June 27th, 2013

Queen Anne Zondo, Ambassador of South Africa to Norway, holds aloft the peace torch. She is flanked (from right to left) by Mr. Christan Ringnes, owner of Holmenkollen Restaurant Properties,; Jarl Goli, TV producer and actor; Mr. Svenn Christanson, former Mayor of Oslo; Mr. Paal Moen, former Director of Aker Brygge and Mr. Frank Hugo, environmental activist.

Between the statue of Sri Chinmoy and The Eternal Peace Flame are four recipients of the Torch-Bearer Award. Former Mayor of Oslo, Mr. Svenn Christanson (far left), himself a previous recipient of the award, presented the awards to Mr. Paal Moen, former Director of Aker Brygge; Mr. Christan Ringnes, owner of Holmenkollen Restaurant Properties and Jarl Goli, TV producer and actor (left to right).

Mr. Frank Hugo, environmental activist, speaks eloquently about the need for each person to care for the enviromnent.

Singers from the Peace Run perform four songs composed by Sri Chinmoy--The Eternal Peace-Flame; Norway's Fondest and Proudest Child, Oslo; Good Morning Norway; the Peace Run.

Pal Moen, an accomplished guitarist and singer, sang a Norwegian folk song and gave immense joy to all the guests.

Svenn Kristiansen, Christian Ringnes, who has just received the Torch-Bearer Award, and Salil Wilson are all smiles.

Three accomplished musicians from America, Finland and Austria who form a music group called Sangit Desh perform songs composed by Sri Chinmoy to close the programme--Jan Klaile, Lauri Tervo and Pratul Halper (left to right).

The peace-loving life and spirit of Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Oneness-Home Peace Run, are preserved and perpetuated in the beautiful scuplture.

Don Page, the architect who created the Eternal Peace Flame, speaks just after being introduced by Husiar Johnsen.

Architect Don Page (third from right) and his assistant Udar Robinson (second from left) are all smiles as they are flanked by Christian Ringnes, Jarl Goli, Svenn Kristiansen and Pal Moen (right to left).

All the ambassadors and other dignitaries join together at the lighting of The Eternal Peace Flame at Holmenkollen.

Ambassador of Costa Rica, HE Manuel Antonio Barrantes Rodriquez, and his assistant stand next to the statue.