Just as our team finised the allotted miles for the day a car stopped by ours and out came a wonderful family of Hungarians living in Switzerland. They were very excited to hear about what we were doing and the lady, maybe in her 70s, started running with the torch! She was amazing and we were all inspired by her enthusiasm.

Suchitra, one of the members of our team, is also from Hungary. Everyone was happy to meet fellow Hungarians and to speak with each other in Hungarian.

This sign says the birds are nesting. Particularly Artic Turns who like to swoop any runner that just might be happening by.

Karolina met with a young girl who ran with us in Reykjavik. As you can see from the big hug she was delighted to be reacquainted with Karolina.

An ethusiastic group of Danes wanted to offer their support to our round the island of Icleand relay.

It always fills us with joy to be met by children along the road and to run into their lovely village of Drangsnes.