Today I visited Page Private School Summer Camp in Sanford, Florida on this special day declared by the UN as Nelson Mandela International Day.

We talked about the message of peace and oneness that the Peace Run shares by passing a flaming torch from hand to hand and that peace begins with each person. This is what Sri Chinmoy wanted to share with the world at large and I told the kids that Sri Chinmoy was a very good friend with Nelson Mandela and we wanted to honor Mr. Mandela today.

We talked about Nelson Mandela was a lover of peace and he worked very hard for freedom in his country of South Africa and he wanted everyone to be treated equally. In addition, he became the first black president in South Africa.

I also explained to them what apartheid was and how people felt not being able to go to certain places due to skin color and how great it is to be able to be free and have oneness regardless of the color of our skin.

We also read to them ‘The Sneetches’ by Dr. Seuss and shared the story how Sneetches felt superior for having stars in the bellies from the ones without stars but at the end they were all the same. They loved the story!

And at the end of our visit we all passed the peace torch making our own wish for world peace and honor Nelson Mandela for inspiring us with his efforts for world peace. We are most grateful to him!

To thank the little ones for being such good listeners, I gave them a sticker and the older students wrote congratulatory cards wishing Mr. Nelson Mandela and his family the best.
I would like to thank Page Private School Summer Camp Director Brenda Greaver for allowing us to come today and celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day.