Staying with sister Barbara Kallash at her House of Peace was like staying at your own home - if it was so pretty! We have very much enjoyed the home-atmosphere shared with other visitors and with Barbara herself.

Meanwhile, there was shopping to do in the bazaar. Finding lamp oil for the torch was not so easy in the long streets full of colorful (and often eatable and tasty) stuff.

After that we headed to the last Armenian village in Turkey - Vakıflı. On the hills of the Mountain of Moses the local priest has blessed our torch and lid the fire.

For local people it's an important mysical place. The legend says, when Moses was passing through the area he stopped here to rest and laid into the ground his walking stick which has then become this tree.

This is how Turkish pizza is made in the countryside. Pranava even made the blasphemous statement that Italians should learn from this lady how to do it properly!

But most inspiring were for us Ayhan's aspiration towards projects improving local area and promoting running as one of the tools helping to bring people together!