Inspired by the previous day's run, the team gathered at Sea Point Primary School where the whole school joined us in the hall.

Stacey introduced the ideas and ideals of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run to a receptive audience.

When it came time for the children to guess where the various Peace Runners came from, Haryaksha startled everyone by giving his clues entirely in Spanish (certainly not one of the 11 official languages of South Africa). This stumped the students for sometime but not permanently.

The Principal explained that quite by 'coincidence' the special focus for this month had been 'Peace' and how to cultivate it in the school, community and world. She was thus delighted to be visited by the Peace Run. After the ceremony she showed the team the board with peace doves representing each class of the school used to encourage peace in school.

After the main presentation the torch was held by all the senior students and then taken to the classrooms of the junior students who all also held the torch and spread their wishes for peace out into the world.
Ellerton Primay School

The team then retired to those more mundane matters that must be attended to still on the Peace Run - eating lunch in the park and a trip to the mechanic for work on one of our support vehicles.

The Peace Run ceremony with the mayor was held on the school field beneath a blue sky and the famous mountain backdrop.

The mayor spoke inspiring words to the children of the importance of peace and of the brother and sister of peace - justice and truth.

The Peace Run offered with gratitude a certificate of appreciation and an artwork by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, to the mayor . . .